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25 Ways To Make This Australia Day A Ripper


Ahhh, Australia Day. This great nation’s favourite day to relax, unwind, and celebrate what makes our country legendary. Whether you’re playing cricket on the beach or beer pong in the backyard, us friendly folk at AAA Backstage have come up with the 25 best ways to make your Australia Day a ripper. So don’t go head over biscuit or get stuck waitin’ for a mate, just get stuck into it!

  1. Head down to the nearest dollar store and buy a temporary Australian flag tattoo. Apply to your forehead.
  2. Dress up your dog as a kangaroo, call it Skippy and ride it around the house.
  3. Find an enormous spider and adopt it as a pet.
  4. Use words like “strewth” and “sheila” all day, wherever possible.
  5. Call everyone “mate”, including your mum, and shorten everyone’s name with “za” (i.e. Shazza, Lozza, Bazza).
  6. Watch “Red Dog” with your mates. Try not to cry.
  7. Rip open a fresh pack of lamingtons from the bakery and share the love.
  8. Cook EVERYTHING on the barbecue.
  9. Wear your togs to the shops. Bonus points if you’re at the shops to buy more snags.
  10. Paint your face green and gold (to go with the temporary tattoo).
  11. Shun the mate who voted for “Thrift Shop” in the 2013 Hottest 100.
  12. Wear thongs everywhere you go, especially in the pool/the bit of water that’s still left over from last night’s storm.
  13. When your thongs inevitably break, fix them up with the plastic stopper from the bread packaging.
  14. Fill a wheelie bin with ice and use as an eskie.
  15. Supercharge your esky and race your mate.
  16. Create a DIY waterslide with detergent and a tarp and hope for the best.
  17. Take every opportunity to talk about how hot the weather is.
  18. Have a cockroach race (recommended).
  19. Drunkenly belt out the national anthem, and throw a bit of Waltzing Matilda in for good measure.
  20. Put Vegemite on everything.
  21. Wear an Australian flag like a cape.
  22. Set up backyard cricket and do your best Warnie impressions.
  23. Slap the sunscreen on, get the sprinklers out and awaken your inner child.
  24. Tune in to Triple J for the annual Hottest 100.
  25. Get down on your knees and pray that Justin Bieber doesn’t make number one in the Hottest 100.