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A Sydney Muso’s 5-Step Guide To Being Sick

Ross Henry

After suffering his own recent debilitating man-flu head cold, Sydney-based artist and producer Ross Henry has crafted what he believes is the best way to endure and eventually shake one of the most frustrating experiences we face as humans: being sick.

Here’s Henry’s story and simple 5-step system:

Something strange happened recently. There I was, on stage at RareFinds #18 gracing The Oxford Art Factory with a live set. I could feel something slowly leaving me. I watched each vowel of every word escape my mouth and chase it further away. By the end of the set after a very warm cheery applause following new tune The Deep, my voice had pretty much evaporated.

That’s right, the dark clutches of sickness had me its grasp and I’ve been succumbing to it for around a week or so now. Furthermore, it seems like I’m not the only one, Brisbane indie outfit Cub Sport recently had their Melbourne Show cut short due to lead singer Tim Nelson suffering the same fate. In light of such an apparent flu epidemic, I give you “Ross’ guide to being sick”.

This is my housemate Ned, he is also sick at the moment…

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Step 1: Fang a Sickie

Call in sick nice and early. If you haven’t been lucky enough to sound terrible (as I do), calling just after you wake up can’t hurt, bonus points for having a raspy ‘just woke up voice’.

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Step 2: Tea, Drink It!

I grew up in England so I’m a bit of an expert. However, I understand some people haven’t had the same experience. Hot chocolate is also acceptable.

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Step 3: Get Cosy!

Apparently the Dutch have a word “Gezellig” that sums up a whole culture of warmth and cosiness with a nice atmosphere, or something like that. Do that, get cosy! Also surround yourself with comfort foods and snacks…

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Step 4 (a): Film

I love film, especially off-kilter documentaries. Here’s a list of great ones (below), you’ll find enough here to keep you at home sick for days!

Watch These Docos! (in no particular order): The Coconut Revolution, American Movie, The White Diamond, The Wolf Pack, Dirty , What Difference Does it Make?, Up Series, The Devil’s Playground, Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry, The Overnighters, The Kingdom Of Dreams and Madness, Cutie and Boxer, Dark Days, In A Dream, RiP!: A Remix Manifesto, Louis Theroux (weird weekends, BBC Two Specials ect), Marwencol, Grey Gardens, Stanford Prison Experiment, Cave of Forgotten Dreams, American Nomads, Searching for Sugarman, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, Wasteland, Encounters at the End of the World, Touching the Void, Kon Tiki (1947), Steve Reich – Phase to Face, Happy People Beautiful Minds: The Psychology of the Savant, The English Surgeon, Gonzo: The life and Work of Dr. Hunter S Thompson, Big River Man, Grizzly Man, The King of Kong, Press Pause Play – A Film about Hope, Fear and Digital Culture, My Car is My Lover, Stephen Fry: Secret Life of the Manic Depressive, Nano of the North, The Devil and Daniel Johnston, The Fog of War, Garbage Warrior Off the Grid – Life on the Mesa, Indie Game: The Movie, and Niro Dreams of Sushi.

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Step 4 (b): Games

Are you more of a gamer? I like games too, particularly indie games these days…

Here’s a list I’ve been blitzing through lately:

Buy and play these now! The Last of Us + The Last of us: Left Behind, Tower Fall Ascension, 140, Journey, Inside, Limbo, Super Meat Boy, Braid, Kentucky Route Zero, Machinarium, Absolute Drift, Never Alone, Reveal The Deep, OxenFree, Gone Home, Life Is Strange, and Abzu!

I think the next game I’ll have a crack at will be Fez, The Swapper, or Monument Valley.

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Step 5: Just Relax

Space out and take a nap, relax. Seriously, just take it easy! We’re not very good at slowing down these days.

For me, being sick can be bit frustrating. I’d rather be in the studio working on a track or planning/playing shows. You might be thinking about work, uni, school etc. Learn a bit from Korean Visual artist Woops Yang. In an effort to slow everyone down Yang created an annual “Space Out Competition”. Sometimes you just have to allow yourself time to get better. This is a guilt-free chill, take a nap!

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Follow these simple steps and before you know it you’ll be back on top!