Able Joseph Shares 5 Australian Artists That Are Going Interstellar
The talented singer-songwriter, Able Joseph recently revealed his gentle, acoustic gem, Lonely LA. The new track follows on from his previous release, SOLO which received big love from tastemakers all over the globe. Today Able shares with us his five favourite Australian artists.
Here are five acts that shine brighter than a neon fuschia sign. Also, five acts that I seriously recommend you see live. – Able Joseph.
Incredibly talented and frustratingly good at squash, Hauskey takes pessimism, anxiety and doubt and makes it feel like a summer road trip. His grooves are infectious, his voice reclined, but underneath it all there’s a beautiful depth. His two recent EPs are challenging and more experimental than pop is supposed to be. Beautiful artworks too.
Shannen James
You’ve got to see Shannen James live — it’s as simple as that. Her voice effortlessly fills the room as she sernades you with country bubblegum. There’s a touch of Big Thief to her vocals, and an amazing energy to her when she’s performing. Excited for Shannen to keep getting the recognition she deserves.
Oly Sherman
Fun fact — no one pulls cooler ‘face-shapes’ than this man during performances. The feels you get when he plays guitar is ridiculous. Watching him live, he’s so committed to every note played, every melody sung. It’s like Ronnie Scott’s opened up a bar on a Manly pontoon.
Cousin Tony’s Brand New Firebird
Featuring my current frontrunner for lyric of the year, ‘I stood alone in the south of France with my pants down, CTBNF are unique, magical storytellers. What shines through is their indie ambition. It feels like they laugh in the face of three minutes songs…instead treating us to a kaleidoscope of subjects, brass filled melodies and ever-changing tempos.
Greta Stanley
If Cousin Tony’s Brand New Firebird have my lyric of the year, Greta has my song. Soak Into This is brave, stunning, powerful and on repeat. By the time I first reached the chorus, I was completely hooked. Greta’s voice is bloody beautiful and brings back memories of Elena Tonra (Daughter). Amazing to see Greta recently nail her ‘Like A Version’ too.
Able Joseph’s new single, Lonely LA is available now, everywhere.