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Album Review: BATS ‘Truthless Faithless’

Didn’t quite get your moneys worth out of the new Queens of the Stone Age album? Not to fear, Perth five-piece BATS pick up the slack from the dark-rock savages with their own sludge-branded chaos. ‘Truthless Faithless’, the group’s long-awaited debut album, is finally here to divid, conquer and to separate the weak from the unworthy.

There’s a total collision of power throughout the whole album. From end-to-end, BATS don’t release their foot from the acceleration, even on the eerie final track, Faithless. Storytelling through an entire record may have become somewhat of a lost art form, however, BATS’ ability to bookend their album with an overarching theme divided into the unrelenting power is something to truly behold.

Although BATS don’t wear their contemporaries on their sleeves, BIG takes a big swig from the Band of Skulls handbook with a rolling base line mashed with a soaring and searing vocal delivery. Freedom shows devious experimentation with near-psychedelic guitar whirls adding to the unrelenting force of BATS’ sludge. At times, BATS feel far away with their vocal cadence and effects; other times, they sound like they blasting away in the room next to you—a combination of both that cleverly works its way through the album’s perfect pacing.

Let’s not forget to mention the perfection of the group’s drumming abilities. This, paired with the effervescent bass rolls, have the album speak louder than it ever could. The smaller moments on ‘Truthless Faithless’ make its louder acoustics boom ever brighter. Previous singles 24 Hours and Truthless are prime examples of the band’s overpowering musical skills and dynamics.

Alexus Nexus is the album’s deeply dark melodic moment and as close as BATS draws to the droning ambiance of Electric Wizard. It’s actually in these more passively melodic and dread-ridden moments where BATS find their best grooves. The opening cinematics and the track’s bridges on Snaffles incorporate that heavy bass drone. Speaking of dread, album closer Faithless is unnervingly uncomfortable—much like old Smashing Pumpkins—digging deep into your skin and letting it crawl around. It’s a near perfect way to signify the end to what was a raucous and extraordinary debut album.

BATS will be launching their debut album next month for a hometown show at the Odd Fellow. Find the show details below along with the full stream of the group’s amazing album, ‘Truthless Faithless’.

Album Rating: 4

BATS Live Dates

The Odd Fellow, Fremantle

Written by Jake Wilton