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Architects Announce Brand New Album: ‘All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us’

Architects Press Photo 2016

UK Metalcore outfit Architects have announced their eagerly awaited fifth album ‘All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us,’ with lead single A Match Made in Heaven having just dropped this week.

Following on from the hugely successful ‘Lost Together, Lost Forever’ album, the Brighton 5 piece’s newest offering promises to give fans the much loved lyrical and musical fury of past albums while also expressing Architects desire to experiment with their sound and take the Metalcore genre to new heights.

Lead vocalist Sam Carter promised that Architects were “leaving everything we had in the studio,” when he described the band’s time recording the album in Sweden. Known for his impressive range, this album hopes to demonstrate Carter’s mix of brutal vocals with a melodic emotion which drives the strong lyrical content that has defined Architect’s sound since their inception.

With Carter being made an ambassador for Sea Sheppard in 2014 and the band all practicing a vegan lifestyle and an environmentally friendly approach to touring, it is no surprise that this latest album will display Architect’s aggressive and passionate stand for environmental issues as well as views on politics, religion, war and globilisation. Lead single A Match Made In Heaven displays this blatantly in a politically charged music video which shows that Architects truly believe in the words they preach.

‘All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us’ will be released May 27