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Awards Recognising The Heroes Behind QLD’s Music Industry

QMDA 2016

There’s less than three weeks left of voting for the 2016 Queensland Music Design Awards (QMDA), a not-­for-­profit initiative highlighting the amazing but often hidden work going on behind the scenes of Queensland’s booming music industry.

The QMDA puts the spotlight on the industry’s best illustrators, video directors, photographers, web developers, and graphic designers.

Now in its second year, awards Co­Founder and music industry veteran Andrea Smith is excited by the growth in interest around the awards.

“I’ve been involved in the Brisbane music scene for over 20 years now and never in that time have the music industry’s visual services been recognised to this extent.

“New Globe Theatre Director Paul Robinson and I had the realisation that the visual aspects of the music industry are so vital, yet often seem undervalued and unrecognised.

“Given that nothing else like it exists right now, starting [QMDA] seemed a natural and necessary step to take, so it’s fantastic that so many talented people have been eager to nominate and support the awards,” said Ms Smith.

Entries for work created 1st January 2015 – 31st December 2015 can be nominated on the QMDA website by the copywrite holders themselves, or on their behalf by friends or colleagues across the following categories:

  1. Video
  2. Merchandise (can be for a band, festival or music business)
  3. Website (can be for a band, festival or music business)
  4. Poster (can be for a band, festival, music venue or music business)
  5. Cover art (vinyl, CD or digital)
  6. Live Photography
  7. Studio or publicity photography


Members on the judging panel include Scenestr Director Howard Duggan, one Australia’s most accomplished designers, current Design Institute of Australia’s Queensland Co­President Peter Florentzos, multi award­-winning photographer and Australian Institute of Professional Photography judge Melissa Anderson, and Loic Valmy and Dr Paul Day from the Australian Screen Industry Network.

To find out more about the QMDA or nominate work click HERE