Beck Releases Bangin’ New Single “Wow”, Need We Say More?
Ahead of his whopping thirteenth album ‘Opus’, musical nomad Beck has released his loopy, synth-drenched track Wow.
It’s 2016 so if you don’t know who Beck is you’ve certainly been living under a rock since 1994. Beginning his career with the angsty track that put him on the map Loser, Beck’s sound cannot be pigeon holed.
Following on from 2015 hit Dreams, Beck had given an insight to the different sounds he will be experimenting with on ‘Opus’. More funk, more synths, and more flair, Beck has morphed from an artist you’d listen to on your own after a rough day, to an artist that’s always on the party playlist.
This all leads to the unveiling of Wow, a funk driven track that explores both retro sounds and dope futuristic “mutant hip hop” beats that are accompanied by trumpets and a beckload of synthesisers.
The track opens with an on-going high-pitched tone that has potential to get tedious, however Beck’s catchy vocals, almost hip hop in delivery, flow over it somehow perfectly. Wow is a song that will amp you up with its electronic dance feel and ridiculously irrelevant lyrics, “Elephant in the room/Standing on the lawn doing Jujitsu”. It sounds like a love child of Beck and Kanye West’s 2008 album ‘808s & Heartbreak’…but it works!
Sit tight lovers of lord Beck, his new album ‘Opus’ will be released in late October. So in the meantime check out the psychedelic lyric video for Wow below!