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Being One With Nature Q & A: Dot


Sunshine Coast songstress Dot has dropped her highly anticipated debut single Weekend, the first taste of her debut EP set to be released later in the year. We asked the electro-pop songwriter how she likes to to spend her time in the wild and where she draws inspiration and ideas for her music.

Where’s the best place you’ve ever been camping?

National Park in Yamba. My friends and I were working for Parks, building a track through the National Park. We slept under the stars, ate raw two minute noodles, drank cheap wine, and stayed up laughing all night, the best!

When you go camping, do you prefer to do it rough or in a cabin?

Haha! Rough, always rough. Dot loves adventure!

What is the worst campsite meal you’ve ever eaten?

Probably over cooked pasta from the campfire. It turned to mush…SO gross the seagulls wouldn’t even eat it!

Ever had any creepy experiences happen while camping?

Waking up to the sound of chainsaws whilst camping in the middle of nowhere??!! Eeeeek!

Have you ever been stuck out in the wilderness thanks to weather or car troubles?

Many times! We camped a lot growing up. I remember waking one morning practically floating on our airbeds. It had rained SO much over night. We got bogged trying to leave camp that day too!

What tracks make you feel like running through a forest at dusk, while wearing flower crowns?

Hmm…I’m going with Innerbloom by RÜFÜS, love it!

What’s the best/easiest way to pitch a tent?

Haha, I could take this two ways – if only I knew you better…

For the uninitiated, how do you describe Dot’s sound and live show?

Moody electro-pop with heavy bass lines and catchy melodies. The live show is still being put together, I’m so excited!

We’re really digging your latest single Weekend, what was the story or inspiration behind the song?

Thank you so much! Like most of my tracks I draw inspiration from something myself or my friends are going through and then let my imagination go wild. Weekend was written about a relationship that was initially a one night thing leading to a week which lead to a month…creative licence taken!

Lastly, what are three things people should know about your upcoming debut EP?

That I’m so excited to be finally releasing it, it’s been years in the making, and I’ve collaborated with some great friends on it!