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Brisbabes #3 Breaking Through Barriers


Hey ladiiessssss (and also gents), get ready to have your socks rocked because Brisbabes are back for round three. The Foundry’s awesome female-focused event is ready to blow your collective minds with their super diverse line-up and a fierce new selection of Brisbane’s finest female performers.

With previous shows featuring the likes of Sahara Beck, Avaberee, and MKO Sun, Brisbabes has gone from strength to strength with ever-growing crowd numbers and new, diverse talent.

For starters, you can delight yourself with the dank toons of Romy, a R&B triple threat who is set to dominate the world in 2016. However, if fuzzy buzzy dream pop is more your thang then Cheers G’day are sure to please.

Though, if you’re a fan of brass (and who isn’t) then get around soul-infused alternative band Inigo. Starved for electronica? Then strap yourself in for the lush soundscapes of Post-Dusk. Still not satisfied? Get your dose of blues-rock with Deena. Basically, Brisbabes has all bases covered.

Brisbabes creator Emma Jones said she’s looking forward to the biggest show yet. “The last two have been bigger and better than we ever hoped for, so I can’t wait to see what number three holds!” Event organisers are focussing on fostering inclusivity and openness, so no gender-based entry rules apply – just don’t forget your dancing shoes!

Presale is a cool $10 with tickets $15 on the door… let’s be honest, you’ve probably spent more on brunch. Shining a spotlight on talented Brissy ladies has never been more satisfying.

Brisbabes #3
The Foundry

Get Tickets HERE
