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Canadian Rockers Kestrels Release Soothing Shoegaze Self-Titled Album


In case you haven’t heard (which we know you haven’t because we’re Australian), Canadian trio ‘Kestrels’ are about to released their third studio album on the 30th of September.

Often our Canadian friends across don’t capture our attention until they’re coming over here and saving us the airfare. These guys hail from Nova Scotia, which ironically also has a Sydney, but instead of lock-out laws the sun just doesn’t rise for a few months…so we must assume they all just stay home and drink anyways. But surely not these guys, who must spend those long nights jamming out together and refining that sweet sound which carries across their new album.

The album’s opening track No Alternative opens strong with a banger drum intro before tip-toeing on the line between soft melody, and an indie rock track with that little bit of extra attitude. We’d also definitely recommend giving Suspect a listen, as it showcases just about the best guitar riff on the entire album before Paul Brown on the drums carries it the rest of the way.

Brothers Chad and Devin Peck (the two, who, if you can’t tell look oddly similar) deliver a killer undertone with their guitar and bass combo bouncing off one another to create a seamless melody. Then Paul Brown ties it all together on the drums with energy that takes us back to the Ball Park Music performance at Splendour 2014.

These guys will have you imagining a slightly angry British India (which is strange because they’re Canadian), and the trio has created an album that blends a rhythmic bass/guitar balance with the drums bringing it home, sort of like poutine.

Okay, we’re sorry, we’ll lay off the Canadian jokes now. What we know is that this album won’t disappoint. So give this Canadian trio a listen and prepare to add the album to your summer playlist as our side of the world begins to warm!