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Chiffon Magnifique Conjures Musical Magic with ‘Witches Falls’

Prepare to be enchanted as Australian musician Jed A. Walters, the creative force behind Chiffon Magnifique, unveils his latest single, Witches Falls. Following the acclaim garnered by his 2021 release, “Abomination,” and the haunting melodies of “Ice Witch” and “Cyanide” in 2022, this new track is a tantalising glimpse into the sonic spellbinding that awaits on his upcoming debut album, “Anxietika.” Chiffon Magnifique continues to bewitch audiences with his unique post-punk and minimal wave sound, promising an album that will leave a lasting, otherworldly impression.

Witches Falls emerges as a masterful creation, inviting listeners to explore the intricate emotional labyrinth of Jed A. Walters. The single, accompanied by a mesmerising music video, which Walters skillfully directed and his friend, the talented Matt Power, captured on film, unveils a poignant narrative of despair and deep introspection. Walking into a world tinged with melancholy, Walters finds himself wandering through dimly lit streets, haunting bars, and the mystical ‘Witches Falls,’ where he encounters a mysterious Witch, portrayed by his friend, the local model and photographer Isabelle Rickards. Their encounter unfolds as a hauntingly evocative journey through whispered secrets in the shadows.

“I wrote this one very quickly, after a fateful hike through a rainforest walk. I was in a particularly poor state of mental health. My heart had been brutally broken, my social skills and self-confidence were at an all-time low, and hot anxiety was a part of every-day life. I chose to escape reality on my own at the Witches Falls walking track, located in Tamborine National Park. I found myself at the infamous lookout over the falls, thinking to myself ‘this would be a beautiful place to die’. I guess, instead of acting on this thought, I walked out of that rainforest, drove home, picked up the guitar and wrote “Witches Falls”. The riff came first, and it was all put together in a couple of days.” – Jed A. Walters, Chiffon Magnifique.

The outcome is a haunting tapestry of sound, meticulously crafted by the gradual crescendo of drum machine beats, the resonant plucking of a gritty bass guitar, and Walters’ mournful reverb-soaked baritone. Amidst this sonic landscape, the song’s ambience is further heightened by eerie soundscapes that Walters ingeniously engineers, including the haunting reversal of high-pitched guitar plucks, weaving together a spellbinding and atmospheric composition.

Witches Falls is available now everywhere.

Written by Chris Lamaro