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Dana Gehrman Returns With A Smooth Rendition Of ‘Perfection Imperfection’

Brisbane smooth operator, Dana Gehrman has made her eagerly awaited return with the seductive rendition of Little Feat’s, Perfection Imperfection.

Adding her soulful jazzy touch to the blues number, Perfection Imperfection Gehrman has highlighted the huge talent that she is. Just over three and a half minutes of pureness, the listener is taken to another time, where underground blues and jazz style bars were the the vibe. It’s classy yet still holds a rebellious tone to it.

“Life and love, neither are easy… when something or someone good comes along, be open to the beauty in it and embrace it. It’s a good reminder that nothing is perfect.”

Gehrman continues to explain why she chose to cover this track:

“I can’t remember Little Feat ever not being a part of my life. Their music is ingrained in me and has been incredibly influential throughout my own musical journey.  Their music is my happy place. I’m constantly amazed at how many folk aren’t acquainted with them, but it’s one of those “if you know, you know” situations…I don’t think you could improve on Little Feat’s music; this is just my humble interpretation of a song from my favourite Little Feat album, ‘Down On the Farm’” – Dana Gehrman

Perfection Imperfection is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra