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Darcie Haven Walks Us Through Her Debut EP, ‘Better Left Unsaid’

Darcie Haven, the rising indie-pop sensation, has just dropped her debut EP, Better Left Unsaid. This six-track collection is all about the rollercoaster ride of early adulthood, capturing those raw, unfiltered moments we all experience.

Written between the ages of 18 and 21, Darcie’s songs give us a peek into her personal journey. Each track dives deep into the highs of love, the lows of heartbreak, and the tricky bits of figuring out your career. It’s like reading a diary filled with secrets and untold truths.

Better Left Unsaid is perfect for anyone navigating the chaos of growing up. With its relatable lyrics and catchy indie-pop vibes, this EP is bound to resonate with anyone who’s ever felt the intensity of young adulthood. To celebrate the EP Darcie has given us a track by track walk though.

Fallen For: 

I wrote Fallen For about the beginning of a new relationship, about stumbling across someone who pulls you out of a dark, dull place. I wanted to capture the feeling of meeting someone and the world turning into techni-colour. I hadn’t written a song that captured the magic I used to feel writing in a while. ‘Fallen For’ brought me back to the songs I want to create.


Hollywood is almost a word for word diary entry from a time when I was feeling really stagnant and frustrated. I felt like I should’ve been further along in life than what I was, and was bursting at the seams to get there. Watching all my friends go through uni while I chose a more unorthodox path was hard, and I was questioning whether I made the right choice.

Fault Line: 

I wrote Fault Line home alone on the farm one night with my guitar, two years ago now. It existed as a voice memo for a year or so, and then I recorded it in a shitty rehearsal room in Perth with Aidan Hogg while he was on a 7 hour stop over to the UK. We barely changed the production from what we did on that day, and I’m glad for it, because I feel like we captured something special. 


Recover was the most recent addition to the EP, written with Edvard Hakannson in Melbourne late 2023. I wrote it fresh out of a breakup that I was struggling to accept. There wasn’t one direction I could look where I wasn’t reminded of them, and I was obsessed with living in the past to keep the relationship alive inside my head. 

A Letter: 

A Letter came together in 2 hours in a session with Jonathon Tooke. I had most of the lyrics written in pieces and scattered through my Notes app beforehand, so when we got the music down the rest just poured out. It was one of the easiest and most cathartic studio days I’ve had. I love that it kind of sounds like an early 2000s movie track.  

Better Left Unsaid: 

Better Left Unsaid is the oldest song on the EP, written when I was 18. I didn’t change one lyric from the original voice memo, as I felt like it captured teenage, highschool heartbreak in a way I never could now. It’s the most confessional on the tracklist, which is probably why it survived the ruthless cuts I had to make along the way to the EP. You’ll hear the rest someday though, I’m sure of it! 

Better Left Unsaid is an intimate insight into the soul of Darcie Haven, the future sure is bright for this one!

Written by Chris Lamaro