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Dawson Reveals Seamless New Single, ‘Will You See Me Now’ With B-Side

Characterized by introspection and deep contemplation, Dawson (also known as Angus Dawson) makes a poignant comeback with an enthralling double single release. This offering showcases the emotionally charged Will You See Me Now? alongside the enchanting and captivating b-side, Hovea, inviting listeners into a rich tapestry of sentiments and musical artistry.

In a harmonious marriage of experimental electronic craftsmanship and pop sensibilities, both tracks serve as a testament to Dawson’s extraordinary aptitude. His innate ability to fuse intricate electronic production with a mainstream allure crafts a sonic landscape that is undeniably and distinctly his. Against a backdrop of ambient electronic arrangements, his compositions seamlessly bridge the candid vulnerability of indie-folk with the unbounded potential of electronic innovation, yielding a rich tapestry of textured, layered, and emotionally evocative musical artworks.

A resounding showcase of Dawson’s songwriting virtuosity, ‘Will You See Me Now?’ stands as a resolute testament to his creative prowess. This track masterfully melds the boundaries of experimental electronic artistry with the catchiness of pop sensibilities, birthing an indelible musical gem that commands its own spotlight. Laden with sentiment, the composition orchestrates a dynamic fusion of electro-acoustic elements, ranging from expansive electric guitar strains to the depths of resonant synths and the pulse of spirited percussion, all artfully woven around Dawson’s impassioned vocal delivery. The impassioned chorus unchains Dawson’s sincere plea, while the piece surges forward with the rhythmic urgency of breakbeat-inspired cadence, a mesmerizing convergence of instrumentation that paints an atmosphere of profound surrender.

“Will you see me now? is a song about giving someone a second chance when you probably shouldn’t have. The entire song was written and recorded in a day where everything just seemed to work. For me, this song is a continuation of my attempt at being as unwaveringly honest in my writing as I can possibly be.” – Dawson.

In both ‘Will You See Me Now? and Hovea, Dawson fearlessly exposes his innermost depths, embodying an unwavering commitment to his artistic journey. The dual release is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra