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Enter The Dreamy World Of Bucky Shorts And His New EP, ‘Longing’

US singer/songwriter Bucky Shorts has just released his exceptional EP, Longing. It’s 6 tracks of chilled out delights that really takes the listener into a smooth haze of sound. It’s easy to visualize this EP, think late night listening under neon light and a smoke machine. But it’s more than just that, Bucky Shorts has produced something quite beautiful.

Bucky Shorts isn’t a new comer to the scene. In fact for over 10 years he’s been writing, touring and performing around the Nashville music scene. Longing is the follow up to his 2018 release, Finally. It’s a pure in sound and gentle to listen to. The opening track Running Away has a sound that is almost familiar to the listener, you feel like you’ve heard it before, but you haven’t. It’s just one of those tracks that is instantly likable. Things chill out on tracks, I Was In Love and Magic Mountain, beautiful in it’s synthesis and real treats to your ears.

The lead single, Longing is the true masterpiece of this collection from Bucky. It has it’s warm and rich moments while the vocal delivery captures you and takes you off to a higher level. In fact the track came to Bucky quite naturally as he explains.

“Longing” was one of those songs that just came out, it didn’t take much effort before it was done. Most of the songs I have written have taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but this one didn’t for some reason. I always have heard songwriters talk about that and feel lucky it happened to me. I figured that was a good reason to name the album after it. It’s pretty simple really, its about that feeling you get when you look at the ocean, or walk through the forest, when you think about something you really wanna do, or think about someone you really miss. I recorded all the parts at my home and did the mixing/mastering. Hope you enjoy! Bucky Shorts

From start to finish this one is a true masterpiece, Bucky has a writing style that whisks you away into a dream state. Longing is well worth the listen from start to finish.

Longing is available now, everhwhere.

Written by Chris Lamaro