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Eurovision’s Belarusian Entrant Plans To Bare All feat. Wolves


You may think a naked man surrounded by wolves in a singing competition is strange, however after perusing the Eurovision archives it no longer seems so outlandish. Belarusian entrant Alexander Ivanov (stage name Ivan) plans to do just that this year in Sweden. Talk about ballsy! (pun intended)

Rehearsal footage has crept onto the scene of him performing his song Help You Fly as described, and funnily enough it’s not the birthday suit that may cause this performance to fall on its tail.

There’s no rule objecting to nudity, but it turns out that live animals are not permitted on the Eurovision stage! However, the jury is still out. Ivanov’s producer Viktor Drobish remains optimistic, stating “we haven’t received any answers from organisers yet”.

The wolves would not only make for interesting viewing, but are intrinsically linked to the meaning of the song.

“Sometimes we suppress it in ourselves but sometimes we have to face it. We want everybody to feel the thin line between humans and nature,”said Drobish.

It’s a stretch, but we get where he’s coming from. Let’s just hope that the wolves are well fed before going on stage!

Check out Ivan’s Help You Fly below & click HERE to listen to Australia’s 2016 Eurovision song!