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Future of the Left Set Australia In Their Sights

Future Of The Left are the best band you’ve never heard of. They produce some of the greatest rock music of their generation, combining powerful riffs with ruthless rhythmic minimalism. They’ve taken that visceral sound of bands like Shellac and Kong and channelled it into something of their own. Combine that with frontman Andrew Falkous producing some of the wittiest, funniest “did he just say that?” lyrics around, and you’ve got a combination that once heard can never be unheard.

Pirates of the Caribbean 47, Johnny Depp stars as a robot pirate who loses his wife in a game of poker and tries to win her back with hilarious consequences

An actual lyric from the song with the actual title Robocop 4 – F**k Off Robocop. As you can imagine, this is the sort of band who are a hell of a lot of fun live.

Known for antics such as dismantling the drum kit while he valiantly tries to play on, it’s difficult to hear their music live and not want to devolve to some primal caveman instinct. It’s only the temptation to scream along with the sloganeering lyrics that stops it descending into total chaos.

The band have announced a series of live dates, almost exactly four years since the last time they played this country. Since then they’ve released the album, ‘The Peace & Truce of Future of the Left’, Australian bassist Julia Ruzicka and frontman Andy Falkous have got married and had a child, and Falkous also found time to release four solo albums under the moniker Christian Fitness. They don’t mess about. This is a band on a creative high with a lot to say and there’s no better time to ride their wave.

With another album due this year, that streak isn’t ending any time soon. Catch them on one of these dates while you can.

Future Of The Left Live Dates

Badlands, Perth
The Foundry, Brisbane
Oxford Art Factory, Sydney
Corner Hotel, Melbourne