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GENIIE BOY Lift The Vibe With Their New Single, ‘Bad Company’

Gold Coast duo, GENIIE BOY have returned with another high-spirited gem of a track, Bad Company. It follows on from their previously well-presented singles, Fool’s Play and Bruises and is a taste of their forthcoming EP, If You Have Something To Say due out in August.

Bad Company is an upbeat vibe that really pops in sound, bursting with good vibes and positive feels. It pushes a couple of angles in instrumentation with bopping synth layers, fun guitar work and impressive pop vocal deliveries. Lyrically it’s a reminder to be loud and proud!

‘Bad Company’ is about finding your voice again and playing with the idea that you are bad company when you are not being true to yourself. It also talks about external entities influencing who you become, usually at a cost to someone’s happiness/fulfilment.” – Alisha Todd, (GENIIE BOY frontwoman)

All round this is a great upbeat bop to get you smiling on a Friday afternoon. Bad Company is available now, everywhere. Their debut EP, If You Have Something To Say is available August 27.

Written by John Zebra