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Georgie Jones Provides A Visual For Her Catchy Single, ‘Baby’

Newcastle alternative singer-songwriter Georgie Jones is set to unveil her brand new video for the catchy single, Baby Thursday 20th August. But you can see it right here today!

Georgie Jones embodies “The Diva” in her debut single ‘Baby’. Amidst a landscape of retro tones, Georgie’s Intoxicating & Impassioned vocals soar across the driving beat & sailing guitars, delivering the classic story of a dirty dog with a twist of glamour & grit. Baby is a statement piece, an offering of Georgie’s power and finesse, packed together in a provocative pop song.

The accompanying video to the hit single screams out the diva. It looks deep into the eyes of a pop star. It draws on a Crissy Amphlett vibe with a power ballad sing-a-long feel.

It’s a very impressive debut. Baby is available now everywhere. And you can see the video exclusively right here below.

Written by John Zebra