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Get On Cloud 9 With Chymes’ Dreamy New Single


Ahead of the release of their debut EP ‘Grow’, due out on mid June, Chymes have given us another dreamy morsel with the release of their second single Clouds.

Oracle, the debut single from the electronic duo, was a relaxed yet powerful track that introduced us to the beautiful vocals of Kiersten Nyman. Compared to the previous single, Clouds is much more open as the vocals glide along like a free spirit to the heavens, rather than the boxed in, lonely vocals of Oracle.

The track opens with a refrained, relaxing synthesiser that garners feelings of a gentle stroll along Burleigh Beach at sunrise, before the vocals of the duo start to dreamily serenade you. Soon, Clouds opens up to a driving minimalist beat that is full of a varied hypnotic instrumentation, before fading away as easily as it came into our lives.

You can preorder Chymes debut EP ‘Grow’ HERE ahead of it’s release date on Tuesday 14th of June.

Chymes Live Dates

Oxford Art Factory, Sydney