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Gold Coast Workshop Series Giving Indie Artists Keys To Success

Power-up Series Press Shot

A new workshop series designed to teach independent musicians and artists the basics of media and marketing will soon launch on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

The two-hour “Boot-Camp” is the first in The Power-Up Series, which promises to show artists how to build an industry profile that aims to earn them more money, more fans, and greater opportunities to create and perform.

“We know musicians. We know media and marketing and we understand the power of a bangin’ industry profile,” said the Series’ co-founder and facilitator Kylie Cobb.

The workshops have been developed and delivered by Sam Morris, Blank GC Editor and founder of the Gold Coast Music Awards, and Kylie Cobb, a publicist, marketer, and music journalist.

The workshops cover will cover how to effectively use social media, publicity, image and branding, fan engagement, and partnerships.

“The boot-camp is a content-rich, intensive session that’ll kick your butt into the world of media and marketing,” said Morris.

AAA Backstage readers can use the code “AAApowerup” for exclusive discounted tickets to The Power-Up Series, valid until Monday 11th April.

The Power-Up Series

TUES 19 APRIL 10am – 12pm
The Avalon, Miami

WED 4 MAY 7pm – 9pm
The Avalon, Miami

For Bookings & more info click HERE