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Harris Gives Us A Track By Track Walkthrough Of His Latest EP, ‘Ok Kombucha’

Recently Melbourne artist, Harris unveiled his brand new EP, Ok Kombucha. It’s five tracks of pure vibe as Harris puts it all in flexing on his talents as a diverse and unique song-wrtier. OK Kombucha comes off the back of the release of the EP’s lead single, Sunbake Cemetery, produced and mixed by Sam Swain at Sunset Pig in Melbourne. We are very lucky today to have a track by track walkthrough of Ok Kombucha from Harris himself.

Sheena Is A Bush Doofer – 

Sheena is about a relationship where two people are just really different, and at first that’s a real attraction, but it soon becomes an issue. It’s the classic archetypal story line: indie sad boy meets Doof Queen. People think it’s quite a sad song, but I think it’s pretty funny. The video is iso as fuck, me filming myself dancing and singing about in front of a white wall.

Sunbake Cemetery-

Sunbake is about hedonism. And it’s sort of half nostalgic/half nauseating look back at a time in my life, where I thought I could do anything I wanted regardless of the consequences. The name was inspired by a cemetery I visited in Copenhagen where the locals like to sunbathe in summer. The video stars me as an evangelic priest, serving a sermon to a cold church going crowd. Is there a “M. Night Shyamalantwist”, you’ll have to watch to find out.

Happy Birthday, Nice Haircut 

I wrote HBNH at a time in my life where all my friends were travelling overseas and falling in love, and I was in Melbourne and deathly scared of any commitment, and I think in a way I was trying to psych myself up. My mum think it’s a really grim song, and can’t listen to it. I think it has some pretty funny lines tbh.

Post Madonna

PM is about a relationship where one person is doing all the work, and the other unconscious to this and as a result be a bit of a “gronk”. It’s definitely one of my more imagery based songs. It boy, does it have some questionable imagery. The video is based around projections relating to the lyrics that are being projected on to my body and face. Another iso video, it was shot by my girlfriend and I in my house on an old handy cam.


Satellites is about the moment where you know you are truly over something. Something really smashes open in your head, like really cold water, and it’s really cathartic, freeing and refreshing. The old making way for the new. Grand realizations. It’s a lot of people’s favourite song on the EP, and I think it’s my favourite song too.


Ok Kombucha is available now, everywhere.

Written by Chris Lamaro