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Heavy Metal Emojis Are Here To Mosh Up Your Day

Metal Emojis

The Emoji Overlords have thrown a new batch of emotion communication icons our way, this time in the form of the Heavy Metal Emoji Keyboard! Now all of your texts and group chats can have a little edge and rebellion to them!

The keyboard will feature every metal cliché that you can think of, from wrist spikes to satanic symbols, and even a pretty brutal-looking bloody razor blade. If you feel the need to express your inner turmoil in pictures, then this is the keyboard for you!

Of course, for the less intense metal fan, the keyboard features all sorts of hand gestures and every metal look from the 80s through to now, including plenty of black and white make-up and fringes. Just in case using caps wasn’t enough to portray your anger over the fact you can’t even right now, you can also now change the size of the emojis.

The Heavy Metal Emoji Keyboard can be found for iPhone on the Apple App Store and is soon to be released on Android at the Heavy Metal Emoji Website.