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ICYMI MANE Takes Her Songwriting To The Highest Level With Her Latest EP, ‘Coping Mechanisms’

Adelaide singer/songwriter MANE has recently returned with her beautifully delivered EP, Coping Mechanisms. The dynamic EP features previously released singles, My People and Over & Over.

Coping Mechanisms tells a story of MANE’s struggle to overcome trying times dealing with mental health and lifting in strength to push through the other side. It’s a showcase of MANE’s ability to create sophisticated, dreamy tunes.

“Coping Mechanisms follows the journey of trying times, mental health and the moments of strength in between. It’s a reminder to myself and to anyone else going through something difficult that we all have the strength in us to overcome hard times and welcome personal growth. I’ve always inherently felt things very deeply and fortunately for the better part of the last 10 years I’ve been able to have an outlet for that in my music – hence the EP title ‘Coping Mechanisms’. I’m so proud of this body of work and I can only hope that it can resonate and help those travelling through a similar chapter of their life” MANE

The EP was recorded at Shed Studios in Melbourne with the assistance of John Castle (Angie Mcmahon, Hatchie). Coping Mechanisms is a beautiful listen from start to listen with similarities to that of London Grammar, vocally, and a touch of pure Australian style music.

The theme behind this release is the importance of positive mental health. MANE has given us some top tips for moving forward.

Good company: I think the most important thing I‘ve done as I’ve grown is really secured a beautiful group of people around me that build me up rather than bring me down. It’s absolutely paramount for my well being to surround myself with good people. Once you get rid of any negative energy and perhaps people that bring that energy into your life, I think you’ll find yourself in a really peaceful place.

Ask for help: mental health has been something I’ve struggled with for some time now and once I realised I wasn’t above asking for help I’ve been able to find ways and strategies to combat the bad days and continue to keep pushing on. There is so much strength in recognising you need a bit of support, don’t be afraid to ask for it because you are never alone.

Treat yo self: do nice things for you, things that make you feel good. I often find when I decide to take myself out for dinner or a movie or a massage or any kind of activity that you know you’re going to enjoy – you realise how much you needed it after you’ve done it. It’s the little things that keep you going.

Exercise: this may be more of a personal choice but as music is something I live and breathe I’ve found it really important to have some hobbies that are so far removed from it. Fortunately Adelaide has been lucky in regards to covid restrictions and case numbers which means I’ve been able to take up dodgeball and netball over the last few months and it’s been a blast having something social to do outside the music world.

Take a break from social media: with the world the way it’s been this year I think even though it’s so important to be aware and keep up with what’s happening and fight for what’s right I think it’s just as important to take a break from the social media world every now and then as sometimes it can become quite consuming. If you’re finding it becoming a bit much, keep off your phone for a few days and be present in your world for a bit of respite. There is no harm in that.

Copping Mechanisms is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra