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Interview: Abbey Lane Chats About Her New EP, ‘Afterthoughts’

Loaded with edge and yearning wrapped in a nostalgic embrace, Abbey Lane’s EP Afterthoughts delivers a compelling blend of indie pop-rock across six engaging tracks. This concise yet impactful collection invites listeners to a reflective exploration of relationships and unsaid sentiments, perfectly mirroring its title. The EP masterfully balances the gritty allure of rock guitars with the ethereal charm of Abbey’s versatile vocals. Each song radiates a sense of familiarity while maintaining a unique, mesmerising allure that captures the essence of indie pop-rock. We recently caught up with Abbey to find out more about the new EP.

Are there any recurring themes to this EP? Did they happen on purpose, or did you only notice in retrospect? 

All of the songs on the EP revolve around relationships; specifically the things you didn’t get to say to someone. The EP wasn’t intentionally written with the theme, but most of the songs were written at the same time so perhaps it came together subconsciously.

Did you ever find yourself on the end of creative block? What did you do to get past it?

This EP was me coming out of a creative block actually. I had been struggling to write anything I connected with for what felt like years, until I went on my first solo trip in my van for two months. I wrote most of the songs from the EP while I was away and finding new inspiration from the things around me and listening to new music. I’ve always found it sparks better creativity when I can write without any pressures.

What were your main inspirations behind this EP?

I had a wide range of inspirations contributing to this EP. I was listening to heaps of new music at the time which were influencing different songs, for example Shot In The Dark was written after listening to The Strokes for the first time properly, Constellations took a lot of inspiration from 2010s bands like Snow Patrol, and State of Mind was influenced a lot by Spacey Jane and Middle Kids.

Do you have a favourite track on the EP?

At the moment State of Mind is my favourite. That song practically wrote itself, and it’s always been so much fun to play live – I love the energy in it. Although since the EP release Darling is becoming a new favourite of mine.

Which song did you have the most fun creating?

Stuck In That Moment was a fun one to create. I wanted to write a song that differentiates its structure and dynamics more compared to my other songs which sometimes fall into a safe pattern. It’s another one that was a lot of fun bringing to the band after writing the demo and feeling the live energy.

What led you to pick the name ‘Afterthoughts’ for the EP?

Once I noticed the recurring themes throughout the songs I wanted a title that represented the concept of looking back on relationships in hindsight and reflecting on the things that were left unsaid. I went through a few names but settled on Afterthoughts as the favourite.

You’ve been a musician for such a long time– How did you get your start? 

Ive showed an interest in music since I was 4 years old, when I hijacked the keyboards at my older brothers piano lessons. My mum has always been super supportive and encouraging of my music since I was young; entering me into songwriting competitions and talent quests, and finding me good mentors. I was lucky enough to have some great people guide me and teach me the ins and outs of live music, recording and releasing from a young age.

If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to write a good song, just write for the sake of writing because you enjoy it.

If you could ask your future self for any advice, what would it be

How do I balance the hundred of hobbies and skills I want to learn?

You’re going on tour soon– what’s your dream venue, if you have one?

Enmore Theatre in Sydney for sure – it’s my favourite venue.

You’ve collaborated with a lot of artists in the past. If you could collaborate with any artist in the future, living or dead, who would it be, and what sort of track would you like to produce?

I’ve been deep diving into Stevie Nicks lately, I absolutely love her songwriting so she’d be my pick. I’d want to write another Fleetwood Mac ‘Rumours’ album styled song.


‘Afterthoughts’ EP Tour
Fri, June 14  3 Wise Monkeys, Sydney Tickets
Sat, July 20 – Shark Bar, Manly | Free Entry
Sun, July 28 – Rockhampton River Festival, Rockhampton | Free Entry
Sat, August 17 – Ramblin Rascal Tavern, Sydney | Free Entry
Sun, August 18 – Drifters Wharf (Never Had So Much Fun), Gosford Tickets
Fri, August 23 – The Lass O’Gowrie, Newcastle | Free Entry

Written by John Zebra