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Interview: Aimon Clark From ‘The Creases’

The Creases

The Creases are currently recording new sounds down in Melbourne before heading up to Brisbane for The Mountain Goat Valley Crawl (February 27). We had a great chat with the band’s bassist Aimon Clark about Bowie tributes, taking life as it comes, bromances, and getting scared at Splendour.

You guys are recording in Melbourne at the moment. How’s it going? Are you enjoying the aircon?

Yeah! It’s so nice down here, the weather is lovely. It’s going really well. It’s probably one of the best recording sessions we’ve ever done.

Can you tell me anything about what you’re recording?

Yeah man! We’re recording with Malcolm Besley from Northeast Party House. We’ve toured with Malcolm a couple times and he’s a mad dude and super talented. We’re recording some singles with him to release throughout the year. We’re also adding trumpet into our songs which is sick because we don’t normally have trumpet in our songs.

Yeah that’s super cool. Very different! So, you’re performing next weekend at the Mountain Goat Valley Crawl. Any surprises or special things in store for audiences?

Oh man we haven’t even sorted that out yet! We don’t usually plan things more than six hours in advance. We’ll see what happens but maybe we’ll crack out an old [David] Bowie cover.

How did you guys react to Bowie? Where were you, what were you doing?

Well, I was seeing a movie with Gabe Webster (Drummer). One of my friends was in hospital – he had something going on with his brain – and I was pretty stressed about. I was watching the movie and started getting texts like “oh my God what horrible news” and “this is so sad” and I was freaking out, thinking my friend had died. I was wigging out. I went outside and opened up Facebook and was like “oh thank God it’s just f*cking Bowie”. I was sad again but yeah, it was also a big sigh of relief.

Oh yeah! I totally understand that. Man, did you call your friend right then and there?

I saw him the next day and I was so happy (laughs). I understand how everyone is super bummed about Bowie dying. At least now everyone’s playing Bowie constantly and talking about him which is sick.

That’s true. Now I’m just wondering, your name ‘The Creases’, how did you guys make that up?

There was no thought in it honestly. I think Joe Agius (frontman) was writing down words he saw and that happened to be one of the words he wrote down. It just sounds nice I think.

Yeah it does! It stands out too. You sound like a really easy going, playful group of guys who take life as it comes. Do you think that reflects in who you are as a band?

Yeah we’re not serious people really. We take music seriously, but all the rest is silly. We like having fun.

Do you have any major influences behind your music?

At the moment we’re listening to a lot of late 80’s/early 90’s music. We’ve been listening to a lot of Blur obviously because Blur is amazing. We’re changing what we’re doing at the moment and challenging ourselves. We got stuck about a year and a half ago when everything had to be super delayed, distorted and it just hurt my ears after a while so we’re challenging ourselves now to make something tighter.

You’ve played at major festivals in Australia and toured the U.K. Is there one show out of all them that’s been the most memorable?

Oh let me think! Well Splendour was probably the scariest show we’ve done. The night before Joe passed out and had glandular fever or something. We were all unprepared. I was super jet lagged. We were playing on the Amphitheatre Stage and it was terrifying looking out at all these people. I don’t remember anything going wrong, maybe I broke a string, but it was so scary. We had been together only eight months.

How did you feel after you left the stage?

Just relieved. We performed on the last day so we couldn’t really enjoy the festival up until then, knowing we had this huge performance to do. I wish we could do it again though! We sound a lot better now.

You’re performing at the Mountain Goat Valley Crawl, you sound pretty relaxed about it. Are you feeling relaxed?

Yeah definitely! I love playing at The Foundry. Everything goes right there, it always sounds amazing. Last time we played At The Foundry was on our last tour in October and I think that’s my favourite show we’ve done. Everyone was really supportive and into it. It’s still a big deal looking out and seeing strangers who like your music. It’s weird seeing people you don’t recognise, who you haven’t forced to come see your show.

Yeah, because you have fans! What do The Creases get up to when you aren’t performing?

We’ve all got little jobs we do. Joe’s making some music videos lately which are looking great. I think he’s doing the new Cub Sport one which comes out soon and looks amazing. I’ve been writing Trivia nights lately. That’s my secret shame, my secret passion. We hang out all the time.

Nice so do The Creases hang out when you aren’t recording?

Yeah too much, way too much. Total bromance. Little bit too much bromance.

Nah, that’s sweet as. Good luck with the recording and I look forward to seeing you guys at the Valley Crawl!

Yeah thanks heaps man. I’ll catch you there.

Mountain Goat Valley Crawl


The Zoo, The Foundry, Black Bear Lodge, and The Brightside – Brisbane