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Interview: Delaire The Liar Chat About Their New Single, ‘Halloween’

London-based alternative band Delaire The Liar have released their brooding new single ‘HALLOWEEN’, released via Rude Records. We were lucky to catch up with the band to have a chat about the release and more!

Congratulations on the new release! Can you explain the meaning of the song to us?
Thank you so much! ‘HALLOWEEN’ enacts the fallout of a tragedy, how in the throes of grief, there is no last-ditch effort too desperate to regain something you’ve lost. It acknowledges ritual as a form of communion, ceremony to propose payment and sacrifice as the final cost, whatever that may be. Whilst writing the music video’s treatment for ‘HALLOWEEN’ we were asked to condense the themes outlined in the song into one sentence, and that sentence was: ‘Unafraid of the cost, I will buy my way into hell.’

Your writing process, well, everyone’s writing process has been challenged and shifted throughout the global circumstances. How did you adapt and how hard was it for you all to change your ways of life?

Yeah, the last year has been hard in many ways but in terms of creating, it really stripped the fat from the bone. We had to quickly take stock of what could be accomplished with the resources at our disposal. As limiting as that can be, the time we were able to dedicate to developing our song writing style and process was absolutely invaluable. Having to record ourselves remotely was frustrating but educational, bouncing our ideas over WhatsApp rather than in-person conversation was frustrating, but proved really beneficial in learning how to communicate your ideas in a clear, concise way so everyone knew exactly how the goal was to be achieved and the message delivered.

What are some of your favourite memories as a band? On tour, in the studio, outside all of that etc.
We actually expanded into a four-piece in the first UK Lockdown so our experiences together as a band are relatively limited at the minute! But the first time we were able to rehearse in 8 months in London, it felt like the walls were going to collapse and we can’t wait to be able to share that same experience with all the people that have helped support our band so far.

What sort of environment do you hope to create at your live shows and within your community?
If we can facilitate a space where people are safe to feel impassioned unashamedly and an environment where respect, inclusivity and compassion take absolute priority in the way we interact with one another, we will have done our job. Because frankly, acting like art, music and other people don’t matter is fucking boring. We get enough of that from our government, and we don’t need it at our shows.  

What do you hope that listeners can take away and learn from listening to Delaire The Liar?
We aim to channel an amount of honesty and self-reflection into our work. To be as even handed whilst considering failures, grief and upset as possible. It brings an amount of catharsis to evaluate yourself from an objective point of view and although far be it from us to tell anyone how to deal with their emotions, if we are able to offer a new perspective for anyone struggling with an old wound, solidarity to someone that feels alienated or even just an opportunity to feel uninhibited for the duration of our set, we couldn’t hope for more than that.

Are there any upcoming plans you can tell us about?
We have a string of shows throughout September leading up to our tour supporting our friends Vukovi alongside Press To Meco in October.

Halloween is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra