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Interview: Jack Anthony Chats About His New Single, ‘Call My Name’

Dharug/Western Sydney-based indie-rock artist Jack Anthony has unveiled his cathartic new single ‘Call My Name‘ – co-written, produced and mixed by Nathan Sheehy (Birds Of TokyoThe VannsDuneRatsDZ Deathrays) and mastered by Nick Franklin (Peking DukOcean AlleyHockey DadTheBuoys). We had a chat with Jack to find out about the new single, writing process and more!

Congratulations on the single ‘Call My Name’! Can you tell us a bit about what the song is about?

‘Call My Name’ is song about reflecting on an old relationship where I had known the person for years prior before we decided to have a crack at a romantic relationship. We both knew we weren’t meant for each other, and we were filled with conflicting feelings of wanting to stay and leave. Even though it was written quite specific to my situation, I’m sure this is something people out there can relate to. In saying that, I want people to interpret the song how they wish. If it makes you feel something, then that’s a huge win for me!

I also address other situations which came up in the relationship that added to my sense of confusion. If you listen closely enough, you might be able to work it out…

How was the writing process of the track?

It was only a couple days ago I came across the original voice memo of the song which I recorded in February 2023. While the feeling is still the same, the song is vastly different to how it stands today. Even though the ideas were very raw, I think I knew early on that it could turn into something cool.

I worked on the song in terms of melodies, chord progression and structures. I then eventually recorded a full demo of the song from home which I was pretty happy with. At the time of writing and recording the demo, I was yet to have released a song as an artist, so I was unsure of what I needed to do and my next steps. So, I hit up a producer I had found while listening to music online – Nathan Sheehy. Nathan had worked with some cool artists and bands that were right up my alley. My sister Sophie and I then met up for a pre-production/writing session, and I was stoked that he dug the track. We then made some changes and added some other cool ideas.

Was this the first track yourself and Nathan had co-written together? Talk us through the collaboration process of ‘Call My Name’.

I was stoked to have Nath work with me on this track. I quickly felt comfortable to hand-over some creative control. We had organised a pre-production/writing session where I brought in a bunch of demos and worked on a few, but eventually decided to work on ‘Call My Name’. Immediately Nath had some ideas on how to improve the track and we all straight away loved where the song was heading.

Your track features some very special guests! Share with us the process of working with both your sister and Lachlan Ewbank from DZ Deathrays.

I’m so lucky to have Sophie to be able to collaborate with me. She’s an awesome muso and is super creative. Soph’s a big part of what I do, and I couldn’t imagine doing it without her. She can be brutally honest at times and gives me the hard truths when it’s necessary, but she also gives great advice on how to make things better musically. In my first single, her vocals ended up being so prominent that we had her feature in the song. You can catch her vocals in my next track as well.

Was super honoured be able to work with Lachlan. So cool to be even able to chat with someone who has done some pretty sick things and pick his brain. I learnt heaps just watching Nathan and Lachlan work together, and the drums on the track ended up sounding awesome.

How do you feel this song differs from your previous single ‘On My Own’?

I love ‘On My Own’ and that song means a lot to me. Naturally I think as songwriters we evolve and progress, and I feel like that is the case for me. As I continue to experiment musically and creatively, my style evolves with it. When writing ‘Call My Name’, I wanted to embrace the feeling of bittersweetness, and I tried my best to make something anthemic. I really hope that comes across for all the listeners of ‘Call My Name’!

Jack Anthony’s latest offering, Call My Name is available now, everywhere.


Written by John Zebra