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Interview: Left Cassette Chat About Their New Single, ‘Two Left Shoes’

Meanjin/Brisbane-based indie-rock band Left Cassette have unveiled their propulsive debut single ‘Two Left Shoes‘ – produced and mixed by Jono Fraud (Surf TrashThe Baby Breaks). We sat down with the band to get to know them a little better and to find out more about the new single and what’s coming next. 

Congrats on the release of ‘Two Left Shoes’! Why did you choose this track as the band’s debut single?

It’s just the one that resonated with us the most out of the first batch of demos we wrote. We all love the track, and it goes off, especially live. We just reckon it’s got that something about it that draws you in and keeps you there.

How did Left Cassette come to life? What made you want to make and play music together?

Josh and Trent played for years together in Breakfast at Nan’s after they met when Trent was sound engineering at Josh’s first gigs in Australia in 2015. Josh and Tom worked on a project together after meeting at Suncorp, and Trent and Hunter had been jamming for a while. Both Josh and Trent had wanted to get a band going again for a while, and at the end of 2023, the stars aligned, and everyone was free and fully up for it, and here we are.

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Can you describe Left Cassette’s sound in three words?

In your face.

Why the track name ‘Two Left Shoes’? What’s the story behind the title and the lyrics?

The tune’s just about being a bit all over the place. For me, at the time, it was a rocky relationship, but it could be anything really that makes you feel as though you can’t put one foot in front of the other without something going wrong. I heard a mate use the saying years ago and thought ooof, that’s a good one.

If you could play at any venue in the world, where would it be, and why?

1000% a headliner at The Zoo. We’re all so gutted to see it go. It’s iconic, an absolute staple piece of the Brissy scene and we’ve all had special memories there, whether it be playing or watching someone else kill it.

What’s in store for the rest of 2024? Are there any future projects or tours in the works?

Honestly, while this is so young, we just want to keep growing. We’ll put in the hard yards and keep the wheels moving. We’ll play with some bigger bands to bigger audiences and put in the work to make each single better than the last. We really believe in this band, and what we’re capable of, so we just want to make it as massive as we can.



Tickets available via


Supporting Satin Cali*
‘Two Left Shoes’ Single Launch**

Written by John Zebra