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Interview: Marville and Whoroboros Chat About Their Upcoming Live Show at Netherworld

Meanjin/Brisbane-based duo, Marville recently revealed their first new music in 5 years with the release of their new single, Fiction. The pair are set to take the stage this Sunday, July 2, with Whoroboros at the iconic Netherworld. To celebrate the release and their upcoming live show, today Ash of Marville and Georgia from Whoroborus interview each other to share their passion for music and community, how they met and what to expect at this weekends show.

ASH (Marville): The first time we met was at Girls Rock! Brisbane in 2016! Back then I was mentoring and you were attending – what has your involvement with GR!BNE meant to you, and what has your journey as an artist been like since that first time attending?

GEORGIA (Whoroboros): My involvement with Girls Rock! Was one of, if not the most pivotal moment in my journey as an artist. I started my first band at Girls Rock!, which was one of many to come in the future. It changed my relationship with music and how I would approach writing and collaborating with others as well as establishing key relationships in my life that encouraged me to continue my journey as a musician. As an established musician, what was it that drew you to working in an environment like GR!BNE back then?

ASH: To be completely honest, I think it was to fill a hole. When I was younger, I desperately wanted to be in a band and make music, but I found it so hard to get started and find the right people. At school there weren’t many people that really shared my interests, there were a few boys that liked the same music as me, but they didn’t really take me seriously and they definitely didn’t want to play with me. Even when I was a young adult, it took me a little while to really find my community. Once I did it was a real paradigm shift. Everything was better, life was better. I honestly believe that feeling like you belong and being able to express yourself are two of the most fundamental human needs. So, I guess I just wanted to speed up the process for other young women and gender diverse folk. Start building the community early, ya know? How did you find navigating the DIY scene when you first started playing shows? Do you feel like having that initial supportive foundation helped?

GEORGIA: I first started playing shows in bands after I attended Girls Rock!, and mentors and friends I knew from the program would come to those gigs to support me. It meant a lot to have that foundation of support from people I trusted and admired, and it made the gigging environment a lot less intimidating. I still see friends from Girls Rock!regularly at Whoroboros shows, and I think that still applies. As a woman playing in a Riot Grrrl band, it can be hard to enter every venue without a little anxiety, and having that continuous strong support network helps a lot. What about you, when Marville first started – what has that been like over the years and how has it changed?

ASH: It has changed A LOT. When I started out, I didn’t know anyone and I got tired of waiting so I just started playing solo shows. I found it really hard to book gigs cause I guess there was just this assumption that because I was a woman playing by myself it would be some nice acoustic folk songs or covers (it wasn’t…). So, I gave myself a fake band name and kept going to as many gigs as possible and eventually I found my people. I think the DIY community has always been a really supportive space, but now I feel it’s a much more diverse one too, and that’s a great thing. It’s also reeeally nice to not be the only non-man on lineups anymore!

GEORGIA: How would you describe the role of community in your artistic journey and practice now?

ASH: It is everything. Without community there is nothing. You’re just yelling things into a vacuum. I make music for me, but I share it to connect with people. I am so fortunate to have found so many lifelong friends on this crazy ride. For me, it really is the best thing about making music. What about you?

GEORGIA: Community plays a huge role in everything we do as a band, and I think we’ve surrounded ourselves with and established ourselves in a really encouraging and positive community within the Brisbane music scene, but overall that collective is small and Whoroboros aims to push the limits of the music scene as a whole so that community can grow.

ASH: Do it!!!!!

GEORGIA: How excited are you to be playing a show together after all this time?!

ASH: Oh my god, I am frothing!! I can’t wait! I reckon I’m just going to stand at the front and ugly cry, I’m so proud of you and the girls!

Marville and Whoroborus take the stage at Netherworld this Sunday July 2. Doors from 4pm. All event info can be found HERE.