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Interview: Paulina Talks Up Her Latest Single, ‘Lonely Drives’

Brisbane-based singer-songwriter Paulina has just revealed her poignant new cut ‘Lonely Drives’ – produced and mixed at The Animal Farm Studios in London. We sat down with Paulina to chat about the new single and more!

Hey Paulina! Congratulations on the new release ‘Lonely Drives’! The track addresses some deep issues around mental health, can tell us how important this is to you?

Yes, it is extremely important to me! I truly do believe that the key to a happy, fulfilled life is a healthy mind. So many people in today’s day and age have such an unhealthy relationship with themselves, whether that’s their own thoughts, their body and / or their self-love. It really does break my heart when I encounter people that struggle with these issues or hear of people that do. With that being said, I feel self-care is so important to improving yourself when you find yourself in dark places and thoughts like that. Self-care can range anywhere from exercising regularly, meditating, journaling, eating healthy, reading or going to the beach or a forest etc. Taking time during the day – even if it’s only 5 minutes – to work on yourself is key to finding inner peace and reconnecting with yourself and the love you have for your mind, body and heart. Personally, from my own experiences, I can genuinely say that those 5 minutes a day have made the biggest impacts on me and my life, and I hope everyone can spend some time on themselves, at least once in a while!

You’re only 16 years old, obviously at such a young age you are still finding yourself as an artist but who are your biggest inspirations when it comes to writing your music?

I’ve been listening to music ever since I can remember, so some of my biggest and earliest inspirations would for sure have to be The Beatles and Tracy Chapman. However, over the years I’ve also grown to love and admire artists like Amy Winehouse, Crowded House, Adele and Alicia Keys.

You are originally from Germany and moved to Australia at a young age, was it a difficult process adjusting to life in Australia?

I mean I can’t really remember when we moved here because I was only 2 years old haha! My earliest memories I have are when I lived here in Australia, so I can’t even remember what it was like living in Germany. I did however live and go to school in Germany for 3 months back in 2019, and I enjoyed it so incredibly much, that I can’t wait to move back there at some point in my life!

You have recently started your own jewellery line; how did you get into making jewellery?

It’s honestly such a dream come true! I’ve loved buying and wearing jewellery for quite a few years and when the topic of merchandise came up in conversation between my mum and I, we thought why not try jewellery. It’s just amazing to be able to create these products that I myself would buy if I saw them. I mean I wear my ‘Elysian’ collection on a literal daily basis, it’s not even funny!!

You have released an accompanying music video for ‘Lonely Drives’, how did you come up with the concept for the video?  

Because the song is about Lonely Drives, I thought what better idea then to make the music video about me and a car! I got to use and drive an old, yellow XY Ford Fairmont from the 70’s. It was such a perfect shoot, with incredible weather, great vibes and just me and that car – plus a few cameras of course!

Who shot and directed the video?

I worked with Matt Pettigrew and Toby Hobart from Slate Media. I’ve been working with these guys since I began releasing music, and I truly have loved working with them!

The video is shot across some beautiful landscapes with bright colours, where was it shot?

The music video was shot at Wivenhoe Dam and its’ surrounding areas including Atkinson’s Crossing and the Spillway Common. It’s such a beautiful area, that’s barely a 30-minute drive away from where I live, yet it’s like a whole other world. I was super happy to be able to include some shots of Australia’s gorgeous landscapes in this video as well, as honestly the whole world has to see how beautiful it is!

Written by John Zebra