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Interview: Psychedelic Porn Crumpets Chat New Music, Upcoming Tour Dates + More

We caught up with one of Australia’s favourite homegrown bands, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, to hear about their new single and album, their upcoming tour plans and more.

Since emerging in 2014, the Perth band have found their niche creating guitar-driven psychedelic rock filled with lyrical witticisms and classic Aussie charm. Their latest single, ‘Bubblegum Infinity’, takes the boys in a more playful upbeat direction, serving as another cheeky teaser into their upcoming album ‘Night Gnomes’, set to be released on April 22nd.

Read our chat with band member Jack McEwan down below to get the inside scoop on their new music and more!

Hey guys, congrats on the new single ‘Bubblegum Infinity’! I’m loving the fun upbeat vibe you’ve created with this one – can you tell us a bit about the story behind it?

Thanks! The track was originally something I worked on to show Royal Blood, It was just the bass riff and a different vocal line. I reckon the OG version had something to it but for whatever reason, they never got to listen to it, so I thought I’d rework it into a Crumpets tune.

So this was a taste into your new album ‘Night Gnomes’, set for a late April release, what else should we expect to see in that upcoming collection & what was the creative process like for it?

It’s a mixed bag really, there’s a bunch of different ideas floating around. I felt like Shyga! was so one style that I wanted this new record to constantly change direction and flow through genres. The process didn’t change much apart from we went and recorded some of the drums back with Dave Parkin at Blackbird studios where we also did High Visceral (Pt II). Aside from that, it was back in the bedroom DIY’ing everything. 

Is there a consensus among the group about your one favourite track from the album, or do you each have soft spots for different ones?

I know there’s a couple of tracks we’re all into like Dread & Butter, Slinky, Terminus, even Night Gnomes and Sherbet Straws seem to get a nod. I go through different moods of what I’m into, when it’s a heavy music day then Acid Dent is perfect for that, the riffs in Bob Holiday and the sludgy fuzz tones of Lava Lamp Pisco seem to perk me up. But Microwave Dave surely takes the cake.

You’ve got some pretty huge plans for 2022- hitting the US for your own 23 date tour and returning to the UK & EU for an impressive string of shows in August! How are we feeling now in the lead-up, especially after the forced break from touring in the last 2 years?

Honestly, I’ve loved every second of being home and to go out on tour again seems a bit of a daunting thought, but part of me is looking forward to it. I’m waiting for the day we can send off holograms of ourselves to shows. 

What would you say you’ve missed the most about going on these big tours? And is there anything you’re not really looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to the days off haha. Nah I do enjoy playing live, it’s always fun but looking back on some of those previous tours we did I seriously have no idea how someone didn’t die. This time round I’m going in with the mentality of an 80-year-old gentleman, getting 14 hours sleep a day, only drinking chamomile tea and the only drugs allowed on tour are vitamin C tablets. 

We want to know what you lot are going to be listening to while on the road- what artists have you got in your playlists/queues at the moment?

Been really into The Lazy Eyes lately, they’re a great band. Nolan Potter’s Nightmare Band will definitely be getting a spin. Rish is usually the man with the aux chord, he doesn’t like silence. Classic FM and a game of chess will do me.

Finally, I’d like to know what’s next for you guys. I know you’ve got a massive year ahead, but do you have any goals after that? Some bucket list festival slots or anything? 

If we can ever get to Glastonbury, that’d be the ticket! I think we’ve always set that as the benchmark for when we can officially say we’re a band. Also, getting another Dr. Noggin-Floggin festival in would be great. 


Listen to ‘Bubblegum Infinity’ out now & pre-order the new album HERE!

Written by Alice Powell