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Interview: Spirit Sam Chats About His Single, ‘Fantasy’

US indie artist, Sprit Sam finished off 2020 with some fresh releases under his belt. Fusing a mix of alternative, jazzy tones and some really interesting vibes Spirit Sam is one to keep your eye on. We caught up with him late last year to chat about his single, Fantasy.

Congrats on the release of Fantasy, how do you feel now that its out?

I feel glad that it’s out, but I’m still pretty unresolved and am excited to drop everything I have in store next.

What was the writing process like for Fantasy?

The music was composed on the spot one day recording at a friend’s house, with the base raw emotion of what the song is about driving me. I later wrote the lyrics as they came and felt right to me.

How did you first start playing/writing music?

I was able to get my first guitar when I had turned 15 as a freshman in high school, knowing exactly what I wanted to do with it right away.

How did your music journey begin? Has music always been a career you wanted to pursue?

I grew up my whole life on an intense diet of music, but never saw it in myself to be an Artist, I was always mainly a music lover. It was when I was 12 years old, I had discovered one of my musical influences, Carlos Santana, and saw that path for myself.

What are your interests outside of music?

I love Japanese Domestic Motorsports, MMA, History, Philosophy, Anime, Weed

What music do you enjoy listening to?

I enjoy listening to all music from hardcore trap to 70s smooth jazz, but my main heroin is all the music from past decades.

Have you any live shows penned in as the Covid restrictions start to ease?

Not at the current moment, but I get on a show within the blink of an eye if I see it fit. As a citizen of the United States coming out of Florida my state needs to calm down their numbers a bit before I start Slaying again.