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Interview: st.sinner Chat About Their New Single, ‘Headcase’

Ngunnawal/Canberra-based punk act st.sinner has just revealed their wild new track ‘HEADCASE‘ – produced by Daniel Antix (Pist IdiotsThe Dead LoveRADICALS) and co-written with Timothy Wisbey (Clay J Gladstone). We caught up with the band to find out about the new release, writing inspirations, future goals and more!

Congratulations on the release of ‘HEADCASE’! What are the plans to celebrate?

I will be on a holiday with my partner at the day of release, but I think our way of celebrating is smashing out more content! No rest for the wicked! Potentially a beverage or two…potentially.

Can you tell us a bit about the themes / story behind your latest release?

Lyrically it came about after having this super mental ‘vision’ I guess? I was in a dark place mentally and I was having this massive identity crisis. I was going through this phase in reality of not knowing who I was or what I was. I felt like all I had were these super dark, intrusive thoughts that were on a loop.

I remember staring in the mirror and seeing my reflection doing stuff that I wasn’t doing, like moving about doing some pretty scary stuff. I thought I was losing my shit. I eventually came back to a kind of reality, and I had the idea to really personify that experience. It was a weird way of coping, but I figured if I gave the feeling a face and a name, “The Monster”, I could deal with it more effectively.

It’d be extremely surreal seeing yourself in the mirror like that. Are there any other notable experiences that you have written about and can share with us?

It was! There’s nothing like the ‘mirror’. That was a super odd and vey individual experience. 
 Most of the tracks that we are going to come out with are based around some kind of pivotal or traumatic event that I’ve had. I find that what makes the most gripping lyrics for me. We have got one that’s like a warped post breakup song…that’s going to be an amusing one.

When writing about those moments, do you feel that there is a sense of clarity and/or awareness over those negative and instructive thoughts? Talk to us a bit about that.

Absolutely. I find a sense of ownership and control over those moments if I can write about them. As cliche as it sounds, songwriting is very therapeutic to me. Writing ‘HEADCASE’ in particular allowed me to regain the sense of safety that the experience kind-of took away.  

What do you hope fans get out of hearing the track?  

I think for people who know of us already, I want them to get the sense that we are stepping up! I want them to really note the change were going through and as an extension the identity crisis that I think we are all having at some level! I want fans to enjoy the song obviously and know that you can make productive stuff out of experiences that may be, at first, really tough.

What are your current goals in your career as a band?    

We just want to do shows! We want to reach as many people as we can. I live in this constant headspace of questioning myself and my self-worth. So, I need to make this career work, purely because it’s all I really have to give.

We want to send out and making sure we do as many mental shows, see some mad places, and spread as much love with our music to fans is our main motivation.  Heavy music is in such a cool place, and we are so keen to jump on the wave it’s taking.




* with Headstrong

Written by John Zebra