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Interview: Stellie Talks Up Her Latest Single, ‘Rear View’

Tandanya/Adelaide-based pop artist Stellie has today returned with her iridescent new single ‘Rear View‘ – produced and mixed by Alex Markwell (The Delta Riggs), and mastered by Becki Whitton(daine, Allday).We caught up with Stellie to find out more about the new single.

Congrats on your new single ‘Rear View’! Can you tell us what it’s about?

Thank you! ‘Rear View’ is my take on that classic saying ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder’ – I don’t think I necessarily agree with this statement, but it really sparked my inspiration. The track explores the idea that sometimes being apart from someone might be for the better, even though you still want them close to you. It’s a bit conflicting but I think that’s what makes it so interesting.

How do you find your creative relationship with your producer positively influences your music?

It’s always lovely working with your mates – it makes everything so much easier, and I think it almost inspires you to push the boundaries a lot more because maybe you feel less judged? You know what each other’s strengths are and can elevate these. It’s also just a lot of fun too.

What would you say is your favourite live memory?

One that always sticks in my brain happened at one of my first ever live shows (if not my very first live show) where I was supporting Lime Cordiale at the Lion Arts Factory in Adelaide. I decided to do a cover of The Angel’s ‘Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again?’ And managed to get the whole crowd singing along. At that point all my nerves melted away and I just felt pure joy. It was very special.

With music being such an imperative outlet for an artist’s vulnerabilities, how do you find the balance between your comforts and discomforts within your music?

I think my comfort levels have somewhat shifted since I started writing music. I used to treat my songwriting like I was writing in my diary – very open and raw – and to a certain extent, I still very much do this. But I feel like now that there are a few more people listening to my music, I became a little less open in a way. I think I just got a bit scared of people knowing every single detail of my life, and my stories became a little bit more fictional. Maybe this will change again overtime – who knows.

What are your plans for the rest of 2022?

More music and more live shows! Would also like to do a bit of travelling if I can.


Written by John Zebra