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Interview: Xirita Chats About Her Latest Single, ‘OWYH’

Melbourne-based electronic-pop artist Xirita is set to release her subversive new single ‘OWYH’ – produced by SB90 (KLP, Thandi Phoenix). We sat down with Xirita to get the low down on the new single, creating, hobbies and more!

Congratulations on your latest release! Can you tell us a bit about how you came to write it?
It’s kind of funny, the original version of this song was more this Ariana Grande pop type beat SB90, and I cooked up one day – completely different lyrics, melody, feel. I went home to keep playing with it but decided to mess around; “what would it sound like pitched up a few octaves? What would it sound like double time?”So, I changed it up completely, and basically, that instrumental became the main sample in the chorus. It went from this poppy beat to this trap-influenced regal number. There’s something uniquely special about creating something raw in the studio between two artists – just creating space for creativity to come to play with us, and I think we had a lot of fun with that.

What are your most important values and goals when making art? What do you hope the listener will learn or gain from listening to your music?

I once heard this quote “We read to know we’re not alone”, and I think the same can be said for any art. We listen, write, create to know we’re not alone. So, if there’s something I can share of my story, my experience that resonates with someone else, that’s a positive exchange of human connection. That’s all I can hope for in my art-making connections in the studio when performing live when listening through headphones. So, for me, my lyrics and the song itself must reflect that. The values I want to promote as an artist are authenticity, creativity and strength, and I want that to come across in every exchange.

Outside music, is there anything else you’re passionate about?

I’m incredibly passionate about mental health and making sure I use my platform and voice to promote positive wellbeing, mindfulness and female empowerment.

A lot of my music references mental health experiences, trauma and resilience. I’ve witnessed firsthand the implications of abuse and trauma and the systemic generational consequences on individuals. It’s a theme that weaves itself into all of my music. And ‘OWYH’ is a sassy embodiment of this. I want to make sure as an artist, I’m authentic, genuine and shine a light on these topics. I may be young, but I’ve been through a lot in 24 years.

What would you say has been the biggest moment or achievement of your career to date?
Playing my first international show in New Zealand this year has been a massive moment for me – the crowd was absolutely going off, and it was amazing to have that experience overseas of people connecting with my music.

2020-2021 has been such a shit time for the music industry, live shows and festivals globally. Never in my wildest dreams did I think 2021 was the year I’d get to play my first international show, but I feel incredibly humbled and lucky to have had the opportunity.

Can you tease us your upcoming plans, if you have any? What’s on the cards for Xirita?
More music, baby! There are a few more releases we’ve got planned for the rest of 2021, and honestly, some of my favourite music I’ve made to date so far. I am very excited for you to hear it! And hopefully, restrictions permitting, a big celebratory gig to celebrate.

Written by John Zebra