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Yeezy Wants $1Billion From Zuckerburg


In true Yeezy fashion, US (ex-) millionaire Kanye West has made a desperate public Twitter plea to Mark Zuckerberg, begging the Facebook founder for money.

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Gotta give the man credit, though – he tried his best.

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No response from Zuckerberg yet, but we’re keeping our fingers and toes crossed.

This has all happened after publicly announcing via Twitter only two days ago that he was $53 million dollars in personal debt, and can no longer afford to “bring more beautiful ideas to the world”.

He is the hero of our generation, after all…

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But hey, at least Yeezy still has some perspective:

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Perhaps he could ask the fur-clad Kardashian Klan for a loan? Or maybe sell one of his houses? Instead, he decided as an afterthought that Google co-founder Larry Page was worth asking as well. And while he was at it, he decided to shame the entire Silicon Valley region.

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Think of the children, Kanye! The children!

But in amongst all this, Yeezy was still considerate enough to give us one piece of life advice:

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So there you have it, folks.

We’re not sure what else to say, other than #KanyeForPresident2020! Maybe if he makes it to the White House he’ll finally decide to release the much-awaited (and long-overdue) new album The Life of Pablo.

If you’d like to relive all the greatest moments of “Kanye Going Full Kanye” check them out HERE