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Jackson Dyer Drops Absolutely Vibrant New Single

Jackson Dyer

Australian singer-songwriter and producer Jackson Dyer has released his latest and greatest single The Absolute. The now Berlin-based artist has utilised acoustic guitars and soft electronica to will leave you in a dream-like state from the get-go.

The Absolute is a soothing track that explores the raw vocal talent that Jack Dyer possesses. The verses maintain a slow and placid feel with a minimalist guitar line and vocal track. The song gradually builds up to a more ambient sounding chorus, with Dyer’s vocals steadily gaining more volume and emotion.

As The Absolute draws to a close each individual layer of sound that can be heard throughout the track comes together once more, flowing flawlessly until it all comes to a sudden end.

Dyer describes the song as a means of trying to overcome the sinister nature and vested interests of “the news”.

“I wrote The Absolute one morning as I tried to make some sense of the contradictions of this day and age. Like many people I know, clickbait news and the endless number of conflicts and selfish leaders often leaves me feeling overwhelmed,” said Dyer.

The Absolute is the second taste from Dyer upcoming and yet-to-be-titled EP. Check out this dreamy new tune below!