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JOY. Marks Her Return With New Single ‘Smoke Too Much’

The dreamy vocals of JOY. have graced our ear waves once again. Smoke Too Much is the first single released from her new upcoming EP. On her Facebook page JOY. says, “It’s been 3 years since ODE was made and now I’m finally releasing a new project. I’m so so so so so excited wthhhh omg.” ‘ODE’ was her debut EP released in 2015 that introduced us to the floating vocals of the Brisbane songstress.

Smoke Too Much opens with just piano before JOY.’s voice introduces the track to a more dance feel. This song definitely enters an upbeat style that contrasts her soft, airy voice. It’s almost as if it floats above the instrumental like smoke on a dance floor. It’s a great combination of natural and electronic instruments.

The chorus introduces the title, repeating the line, “Baby I smoke too much,” which partners with pitched vocal echoes and the dance track essentials. This song definitely feels like it’s going to be a festival favourite for 2018 however there are no current dates or festivals listed for JOY.. We’re really hoping there’s going to be something soon.