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Kanye Trumps Legit Local Council Candidates In Election

Kanye for President 1

Kanye West’s 2020 presidential campaign may not win him the top job, but it’s already convinced some Queensland voters that he would make a brilliant local councillor.

Kanye, everyone’s favourite rap artist/self-appointed God, appealed to quite a few Queensland voters in the recent elections, despite the fact that he wasn’t on the ballot paper. Other substitutes for this choose-your-own-candidate election included US Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, Cowboys NRL star Jonathan Thurston, and rock legend Jimi Hendrix who passed away in 1970.

Supporters of ex-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will be pleased to know that he also made it onto a few ballot papers, while voters who couldn’t think of a suitable candidate simply used the paper to play join the dots. Unfortunately, none of the substitutes earned enough votes to win a local election.

These alarming election results have revealed over three per cent of Queensland voters are casting informal votes. Electoral Commission Queensland Commissioner Dermot Tiernan said the commission plans to reduce this rising percentage by reaching out to rogue voters.

“We’ve got a bit of work to do with the Queensland community”, Tiernan said.

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Written by Jess Martyn