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Ken You Can Handle The Latest NSFW Clip From The Big Moon?

The Big Moon

They got some serious triple j love for Cupid, and now The Big Moon have packed more of their singalong punk charm into their latest track Silent Movie Susie and its music video!

The track has whimsical loud and soft instrumental dynamics, complete with vocals reminiscent of Sleater-Kinney. The fantastic layers of clean and fuzzed-out guitar tones add even more dynamic to the track, while the chorus is built on a singalong choir that demands to be sung live. Finally the track descends into brooding, broken despair before one final chorus lets us know everything is gonna be alright.

The Big Moon always bring quality humour to their music videos and Silent Movie Susie is no exception. Through the magic of Barbie dolls, the clip tells the story of a young woman spiralling out of control after coming home to find her husband cheating on her. To make the video even more left-of-field, there is also plenty of sex and the like throughout.

The use of Barbie dolls is honestly genius and done very professionally, including some terrific use of crossing over to real hands in lieu of Barbie hands (imagine Barbie Tinder!). Thankfully, The Big Moon called on the same director that was involved with their last clip Cupid, and managed to keep the same fun vibe.

Check out The Big Moon’s NSFW Silent Movie Susie clip below!