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Laura Misch’s Debut Album ‘Sample The Sky’ Soars to New Heights of Musical Innovation

Laura Misch’s music beckons the listener with an immediate and irresistible allure, ushering them into a world of boundless creativity and captivating soundscapes. As a multifaceted artist from London, her compositions serve as a gateway to a realm of escape, offering a tantalising promise that within her alt-pop and jazz-infused folk melodies, the boundaries of imagination are expanded, and the potential for sonic adventure knows no limits.

With her debut album, Sample The Sky, we witness a mesmerising convergence of diverse musical concepts and sonic influences, masterfully woven together by Laura Misch. This highly-anticipated debut album is a breathtaking tapestry where a kaleidoscope of ideas and sonic allusions unite with striking finesse, resulting in a work of profound beauty and artistic precision.

In collaboration with the talented producer William Arcane, Laura Misch showcases her versatile musical prowess in this project. It’s a seamless fusion of her deep-rooted expertise in jazz and contemporary music with a newfound passion for electronic sounds. The album’s title itself serves as a symbol of her transformative journey, which has seen her evolve from her early days of studying biomedical sciences to her current path as a dedicated career musician, marking a compelling testament to her artistic growth.

“I’ve always found parallels between biomed and music, a microphone is a microscope of sound, and a studio is laboratory of distillation, producing feels like you’re discovering, it feels akin to uncovering in science, Sample The Sky felt like a meeting between these two worlds, to study a ‘sample’ is to gather and look deeply, whilst the ‘sky’ symbolises our interconnectedness to nature”.LAURA MISCH.

In recent years, Laura Misch has ascended on a remarkable trajectory, establishing herself as one of the United Kingdom’s most promising and prominent emerging talents and Sample The Sky promises to be a captivating musical journey that showcases her boundless creativity and extraordinary talent. It’s available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra