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Live Review: DMA’s @ The Zoo

© Tom Sue Yek

Jumping from festival lineup, to festival lineup the britpop legends DMA’s have been riding a wave of hype right from their very first single release. Delete skyrocketed the Sydney lads from recording an EP in their bedroom, to landing spots on The Great Escape, Latitude, Splendour in the Grass and Reading & Leeds. After releasing a highly anticipated ‘Hills End’ album at the start of this year, the Newtown lads have been selling out venues left right and centre as we finally get to fill our ears with some sweet, sweet DMA’s tunes. A night filled with an energy fuelled set, fast paced guitar solos, and a whole lot of dancing, the Zoo fired off their Australian album tour in fine form; Australia you’re in for a treat. 

The bright electric melodies strike through the wall of sound in a deliciously catchy style. Coupled with a power pack drums, heavy bass and racing guitar, the neon lights of a summery rhythm guitar shines through the rough catching us by the hips. It’s that sharp electric that brings life to each track, combining harsh rock with summer vibes that brings a bounce to everyone’s feet.

An al a carte menu of tunes dominated the night, as the ‘album tour’ title was certainly justified. So We Know, Too Soon and Timeless each made a demanding feature through the night, bringing a glorious easygoing undertone to each track. There is something just so unintentional about the lads’ sound that translates so beautifully onto the stage. The simplistic, yet mature sounds has no need for distortions and changes in the production process as we see these three boys move from a bedroom recorded EP to a body engulfing live sound. A sounds that blends so naturally, and that produces such force, thrives in the live arena.

© Tom Sue Yek

In The Moment shined onstage as one of the most popular tunes off their debut record caused an uproar among fans. Playing right into the crowds lust for solos, depending into a chaotic instrumental that brought Mason’s ferociously fast fretboard finger work into the spotlight. The loud instrumentals that also featured in Play It Out and Lay Down just cemented something we already knew, these boys know how to work a crowd.

The spine tingling sensations never fail to spark when Delete is payed.

Pinballing tune after tune into our ears, the track list cascades into a slow couple of numbers that really sings britpop ballads. This writer isn’t a newbie to seeing DMA’s live, but the spine tingling sensations never fail to spark when Delete is payed. The packed house didn’t miss a single beat as lines such as “don’t delete my baby/don’t delete her now”  were bellowed in such tight unison. It’s been two years since its release, but it remains a timeless tune.

© Tom Sue Yek

The sound was a bit of an overkill as the hour kicked on. I’m not sure if it was the sound equipment or the band’s love for some ‘wub-wub’ but almost every single track ended in a deafening reverb that vibrated the entire cranium. It’s hard to enjoy a song in its entirety when your eyes feel like they’re full of bees.

But in saying that, it was their energetic stage presence and their unwillingness to fade away that injected such life into their music. The little chatter between tracks showed just how little they needed to say; the tunes spoke for themselves. With the whole room shaking (to the point where one would easily fear for the floor caving in), everyone dancing, and essentially nobody talking because they’re too busy singing, it was clear that DMA’s have gained an army of passionate fans that aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The entire Australian album tour having zero tickets remaining for sale, if you haven’t sorted your shit out then FOMO is just something you’re going to have to put up with, but here are the rest of the dates anyway:

DMA’s Australian Tour


The Zoo, Brisbane


Fat Controller, Adelaide


Rosemount Hotel, Perth


Metro Theatre, Sydney


Corner Hotel, Richmond


Corner Hotel, Richmond

Get Tickets HERE

Photos by Tom Sue Yek