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Live Review: Fleetwood Mac @ Brisbane Entertainment Centre 10.11.15


Three hours had never flown so quickly. Fleetwood Mac packed some of their crème-de-la-crème, intimate stories behind songs, and some down right impressive displays of the everlasting musical ability of the five silver haired legends. To see the five originals united together again was certainly a special moment for everyone in the packed Brisbane Entertainment Centre, and from the roaring demand for two encores and standing ovations handed out left right and centre, the timelessness of the troupe was undoubtedly true.

Perched on her keyboard, dressed in a pants suit that probably belonged behind the panel of “The View”, rather than on the stage with one of the biggest bands of the century, the poised pizazz of Christine McVie that floats like a nightingale and stings like a thistle, could not be faltered as she returns to the Fleetwood Mac stage for the first time in over a decade. The moment she stepped out from behind her keys, swinging her banger Everywhere, Brisbane held nothing back in welcoming home the prodigal daughter with open arms and embracing hearts.


Mick Fleetwood is a force that’s still to be reckoned with. An infectious personality that injects such life into the arena. He posses such a command over his sticks, mallets and chimes and with almost three quarters of a century of life, he still would be a good bet for the best percussionist this planet has to offer. A drumming ability that’s only challenged by his command over facial movements. With expressions reminiscent of any quality anime show, the eyes, the wrinkles and the passion etched into that face is worth a show all on its own.

Tusk cast a spell over the Brisbane audience and despite a petit mishap that garnered a quick “We’re going to say we’re not perfect, and we’re going to start that one again, OK?” before they kicked off into an absolute mountainous epic. Filled with a driving drum and electric guitar scalings to fill any music lover’s appetite, the raw energy that spilled off the stage into the welcoming arms of a captivated audience. You’d be kidding yourself too if you said you didn’t enjoy Christine McVie’s rocking out on her accordion. Who doesn’t love a good accordion?

Sara silenced a rowdy crowd as dancing was replaced with feeling. Stevie Nicks proved that her stubborn voice just refuses to falter at any moment with a vocal power that slices right through to your bone, making it almost impossible not to feel something. The lover and poet of the group really shone in this intimate display of emotional finesse that her vocal chords still pack. “She still got it,” seemed to be the go-to phrase for the most part. Landslide came crashing down on the audience as she powers through sustaining a succession of soaring soulful sounds that left this writer breathless before it did her.


The powerful encores took flight to the roaring crowd’s persuasive demands, but as they kicked into World Turning they took a brief detour into an awe inspiring percussion solo that left Mick Fleetwood alone in the spotlight. Bashing drums in an assorted chaos  — that would only make sense in that ingenious brain —he left almost nothing out. From audience call and response to a vocal layering, the overflowing talent trapped inside that man’s head cascaded out into the decked out percussion set that.

A final, second encore was probably the most appropriate ending the night could have. Christine McVie sat alone on the stage, perched on her grand piano, as the Songbird took flight. An intimately delicate moment that stripped back any theatrics to hide behind. A gosh darn beautiful, vulnerable moment that none who witnessed it will forget anytime soon. The songbird had truly returned.

The band’s personal lives had always been “out there for people to scrutinise” admitted Lindsey Buckhingham in one of the troupes many heart to hearts over the evening. But insists that, “there’s a whole lotta love” that’s still shared among the five; and boy could you tell. The intimate moments between band members, with Steve Nicks not holding back with her open armed embraces of her musical family. You could see some broken hearts and some weary souls, but that feeling of family that walked around on stage was rather touching. The visible bond these guys share is genuinely moving as you watch them blend together so beautifully, in a touching display of raw musical talent and melancholic nostalgia.


Bands like this don’t come along that often, but when you have thousands of over 50s on their feet, belting out tunes from decades ago, you know you’ve got something special in front of you. Though we don’t know if we’ll ever see the full band live again, even if we don’t, this is a tour that will satisfy every Fleetwood Mac craving we have.

There’s still one last chance for you Brisbanites to grab some tickets to the next show. Thursday, November 12, Brisbane Entertainment Centre click here to make sure you don’t miss out on the momentous occasion.