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Live Review: Last Dinosaurs @ Newtown Social Club

Last Dinosaurs Foundry May 10

Newtown Social Club, one of Inner West Sydney’s most intimate gig venues, was full to the brim for the Last Dinosaurs last Thursday night. Most indie bands are fortunate if they can get a decent size audience on a school night and it’s a testament to the popularity of the Last Dinosaurs that they were able to perform to a full crowd. Accompanied by local Sydney band Jody and fellow Brisbanites Rolls Bayce, the night was full of music and fresh-faced university students.

A club venue can always be a bit hit and miss for the support acts. Most patrons were downstairs where the drink sizes were bigger and there were places to sit down. The upstairs room for the support up acts was filled with mostly hardcore triple j listeners, Last Dinosaur groupies who had to be at the front of the stage, and students that wanted to hear the latest sound first. Both Jody and Rolls Bayce had the perfect sound to accompany the main act. They were unrefined but had a blend of synthesisers and rock that’s a sign of an ‘indie darling’ sound is becoming mainstream.

“…three sold-out shows is a pretty big high to end on, but that didn’t mean the band’s energy was flagging.”

The Thursday night gig signalled the start of the last leg of the Last Dinosaurs’ ‘Miracle Methods’ tour. As far as last legs go, three sold-out shows is a pretty big high to end on, but that didn’t mean the band’s energy was flagging. Frontman Sean Caskey even told the audience how much he had been looking forward to these shows, “I’ve got a secret love for Sydney” he said. The band was quite chatty throughout the hour long set, in-between each song they addressed the crowd and in particular the one heckler who was only there to listen to Time and Place.

The band came onto the stage and after fixing up some technical issues, launching straight into their hit song Apollo, which spawned the name of the ‘Miracle Methods’ tour. The band’s music lends itself to dancing without a care in the world, and certainly some members of the audience participated in that type of dance…although the majority of the young audience was bopping their head and awkwardly shuffling in the packed space.

“Eventually they even played Time and Place, if only so that the one heckler in the crowd would be silenced.”

The Last Dinosaurs played with an energy that captivated the audience and a sound that engulfed the intimate space. It was clear the band has a music knowledge that extended beyond their own songs. Whilst Sean Caskey would talk to the audience, the other band members would play the opening riffs or beats of other songs. The audience was treated to teasers of Blackbird, Joker and the Thief, Purple Rain, and others. This fooling around with music and talking to the audience gave us a glimpse into their loveable personality. The band has a natural charisma and isn’t shy to talk to the audience, something lacking in a lot of young musicians.

The band had no more tour dates after the Sydney shows and as such were willing to play songs of theirs that they don’t often perform. The audience was treated to hits like Honolulu, Evie, and Weekend. Eventually they even played Time and Place, if only so that the one heckler in the crowd would be silenced. Their last song was Zoom which was followed by a large cries for an encore, but unfortunately due to restrictions they were unable to perform another song. The audience did not leave disappointed though as it had been an amazing show by the Brisbane quintet.

Check out our Photo Gallery of the Last Dinosaur’s Brisbane show HERE and watch our filmed interview with the band HERE