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Live Review: O.J Mengel, Voiid, Scraps, & Cheers G’day @ Trainspotters

Trainspotters smaller

We can definitely last Saturday’s Trainspotters event featuring four of Brisbane’s most promising indie bands was an interesting one despite, the late start to the event.

Brisbane based 4-piece O.J Mengel took to the stage first playing to their small yet loving and respectful crowd. Listening to O.J live was like watching a 10 minute Shane Warne highlights package on Youtube, just classic vintage Aussie flavour that was delightful, fresh and, energising.

Their set was chock full of new songs, beginning with Ghost Drop. As lead vocalist Oliver Mengel’s raw vocals called out over the crowd they mixed seamlessly to the pulsing beat of the band. The chimey guitar strums by Jordan Mengel were a like a sentimental homage to those perfect lazy afternoons after a long hard day’s work. But the crowd pleaser of the set was by far their super playful track Bin Night from their 2015 EP ‘You Do You’. This quartet have plenty of talent to get them far and you can already see it in the passionate way they perform as they lose themselves in their art.

Next up were Voiid, but the long interval between the bands left Trainspotters almost empty as people went to smoke and others left the venue. It was until they began to play that the crowd re-emerged formed around the small stage. Galaxy eventually got the set energetically going with its slow bass line and sharp guitar strums, which evoked plenty of thrashing around from guitarist Kate McGuire.

Their set brought back the pumping energy to the venue, however it was a shame we could barley hear Anji Greenwood’s vocals for most of the set. Their final song and latest single Cheap Wine really shows the world what Voiid are made of, and in comparison to their earlier releases it’s a huge step forward for the band.

Next, we were greeted with Scraps, the one woman band with only her and her gear of keys and devices to create her mesmerising hypo-fantasy jives. Beginning with her single Underground, it brought a new transient vibe to the venue. With a slow and deep drum beat and synth piano melodies, the softer tone was e a much needed relaxing break from the previous crazed dancing.

Once more another artist’s vocals were lost in the sound, which was a shame as her voice in her recorded releases is completely mesmerising. Despite this, her music is incredibly interesting and hypotonic to the ear as and her multitasking and jumping between instruments was impressive. It was her last song Baby Baby that had the crowd completely absorbed as they danced and swayed to her booming upbeat drum beats.

Last onstage, and running just over a half hour late, were local quartet Cheer’s G’day. I was disappointed not in the band themselves but the organisation of the event. If they had not been running so late I really do feel Cheers G’day could have attracted a much larger crowd than what they received. However, they did profusely apologise throughout the entire set which was pretty damn nice, all was forgiven!

Their set was enjoyably dramatic, with their heavyset and aggressive singles such as I Hate You leading plenty in the small crowd to dance. The mood and vibe of the room seemed to instantly lift after waiting patiently for the band to set up, as their sound was cheerful and optimistic, and was a nice way to cap off an eclectic night of music!