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Live Review: San Cisco @ The Triffid

San Cisco Suave

The Triffid was at max capacity, just about bursting at the seams filled with San Cisco fans. Their Brisbane show had been cancelled back in February but the rescheduled gig more than made up for it. The indie-pop quartet had everyone clapping, jumping, and dancing through their ‘Gracetown’ album as well as some classics from their self-titled 2012 album.

Opening with Golden Revolver, a track from their 2011 EP. Less than a minute into their set and the audience was already captivated by the Fremantle outfit, singing back “So why//Would I try” through the chorus. Backing up an awesome start with another absolute tune, About You. The track already has a really fun and catchy tempo and it was only amplified live, naturally this one had everyone clapping along.

“Frontman Jordi Davieson was full of cute anecdotes, banter, and audience-appreciation all night long.”

San Cisco has to be one of the most ‘at-home-looking’ bands on stage. The 4-piece had just as much fun performing as we did watching. Frontman Jordi Davieson was full of cute anecdotes, banter, and audience-appreciation all night long.

The fast-paced and crazy-fun track No Friends from their self-titled album had everyone in the crowd jumping and dancing. It was performed with such enthusiasm and gusto that the venue was filled with an insane euphoric feeling. Dedicated to “shitty relationships”, Wash It All Away was up next. The dreamy pop tune was perfectly delivered, slowing the song down a little while Jordi threw in some more dramatic vocals. The crowd got into it, helping out with the chorus as hundreds sang “Is it love or lust-ah/ Be honest”.

Drummer and backing vocalist Scarlett Stevens started up the next tune, “chicky chicky ah ah, chicky ooh ooh”. Yeah, it was Magic, and all the lighters and phones came out waving throughout the song while others chirped along with those ‘chicky-ooh-ah’s.

It was at this point in the show that it’d be safe to say nearly everyone in the venue was smitten by San Cisco, they’re an incredibly charming band with their excitable and fun nature coupled with their chilled out vibe. So it was a pretty good time to play Jealousy, a pretty slow and steady song made super fun with the unusual percussions, extra synthesisers, and catchy-as-heck lyrics.

The blissfully-cheerful and slightly contradictory song Too Much Time Together was up next, and unsurprisingly was clearly a crowd favourite. The audience radiated with energy with hundreds of people dancing, jumping, and singing (or screaming) along. San Cisco’s crazy-happy vibes flowed freely through all present.

“Taking us from swaying side to side, inflicting goosebumps upon us, and making us dance ‘til we couldn’t feel our feet, it was a perfect night.”

Between tracks there were plenty of weird and wonderful on-stage banter, chatting about their love for Brisbane, the ingredients for a perfect pasta, and starting up a petition to get San Cisco at Splendour in the Grass.

Mellowing the crowd back out after the absolute banger Too Much Time Together, Mistakes was up next. The beautiful, slow track had everyone swaying from side to side and holding onto every word. They quickly brought the mood back up devoting the next track to loved ones that are missed on tour. Snow’s chorus had everyone back up and boogying again. The drums were much more prominent for this one, giving it an awesomely fun tempo and energy.

They started to finish up the night with RUN, a solid choice, as the indie-pop masters rocked out on stage as the audience, became one big, sticky, sweaty mess. After the ‘one more song’ chant wrapped up, frontman Jordi re-emerged and performed Skool with just him and his guitar. The audience clapped along keeping the beat through one of San Cisco’s cutest songs.

It’d been a hectic night and the 4-piece had proved that they could put on a show and a half. Taking us from swaying side to side, inflicting goosebumps upon us, and making us dance ‘til we couldn’t feel our feet, it was a perfect night. The rest of the band joined Jordi on stage to wrap up the evening and the perfect song for the job was Fred Astaire. While we were upset the show was ending, it’s impossible to be unhappy with this tune playing. Everyone boogied hard and celebrated what was an awesome night full of chill vibes, fun, and indie-pop goodness.