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Mainland Break Share 5 Destinations They’d Buy A One Way Ticket To

Embarking on a captivating musical odyssey, Mainland Break, the trailblazing indie-rock sensation from Denver, Colorado, proudly presents their highly anticipated debut album, ‘One Way Ticket to Midnight.’ This groundbreaking release is accompanied by their spotlight single, ‘Portland,’ complemented by a mesmerizing music video. As the album unfolds, Mainland Break invites listeners to join them on a transcendent sonic voyage through the mysterious night, bravely delving into the realm of evanescent memories and the unyielding grip of the past. With each compelling note and poignant lyric, the band effortlessly intertwines introspection and nostalgia, creating a captivating experience that lingers in the hearts of all who dare to venture into the twilight realms they so masterfully explore.

To celebrate the new album and for a bit of fun, Mainland Break have shared with us 5 destinations they’d love to buy a one way ticket to!

Melbourne: We’re constantly inspired by the fantastic musicians of Melbourne. We’d buy a one-way ticket there during the touring season to see all the great bands perform and maybe even pick up the guitars and play a show ourselves.

Brooklyn: Realistically, this is the destination we actually visit the most. We love the energy and eccentricity of New York City. There are so many great shows and people out there.

Lake Powell: We once took a houseboat vacation as a band to Lake Powell and had the time of our lives. We live a landlocked life in Denver, so it’s a refreshing change of pace for us to spend some time on the water.

Portland/Seattle: We’d buy a one-way ticket to one of these cities and then a one-way train ticket to the other. A lot of close friends of ours have ended up in the Pacific Northwest. Visiting is always a treat, and oftentimes serves as songwriting inspiration.

The Top of the Charts: We would love to go there and stay there.

Mainland Break’s dynamic new album, One Way Ticket To Midnight is available now, everywhere.

Written by John Zebra