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‘Desert Horse’ Is Melody’s Echo Chamber’s Juxtaposing Psych Opus

The whimsy and expansion of psychedelic music is certainly not lost on Melody’s Echo Chamber. After a significant time away, the French artist has unveiled her new single, Desert Horse.

Wildly existentially and innovative, Melody’s Echo Chamber—real name Melody Prochet—takes incredible strides to reinvent her floaty psychedelic brand. Sparse one moment, frantic the next, juxtaposing backward looping and vocoders with acoustic instrumentation and arabesque ululation, Desert Horse fails to remain complacent and familiar in its surrounds. It’s sporadic and infamously propulsive.

Desert Horse is one giant leap for Prochet to distance herself from her humble beginnings. Here, she has never sounded more confident in her ability to craft magic. The track symbolises a lot to Prochet and appeared to become a beast to finally materialise in the studio.

“This track was a monster. It’s the most sculptural and mad I guess. It embodies my difficult life journey these last few years through my own personal desert of heartaches, thirst, mirages, moving sands, disillusionment and of becoming an adult woman in a mad world. It’s a little punk to me somehow,” states Prochet.

‘Bon Voyage’ is the artist’s second studio album under this moniker and the first in five years. Springing to massive international acclaim five years ago with her self-titled debut, Prochet took some time away from creating and playing music after suffering, “a serious accident.” Her debut was produced and recorded with then boyfriend, Kevin Parker from Tame Impala.

Stream Desert Horse below. ‘Bon Voyage’ is out Friday 15 June on Pod / Inertia Music.

Written by Jake Wilton