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Album Review: Hayden Calnin ‘Cut Love (Part 1)’

Hayden Calnin

All you ladies (and gents) out there, set aside an evening to light some candles, sprinkle some of those Epsom salts you’ve been saving for a rainy day, and melt into a tub of hot water and magnesium sulfate with our new pal Hayden Calnin.

I know what you’re thinking, a bath with a complete stranger seems rather unorthodox. But trust me when I say that after the first couple songs on his debut album ‘Cut Love Pt. 1’ Calnin will no longer feel like a stranger, but rather like your long-time bathroom friend Bon Iver.

“Calnin will no longer feel like a stranger, but rather like your long-time bathroom friend Bon Iver.”

The album begins with a Introduction; Nothingness, which is merely a clip from an Alan Watts podcast where he discusses the concept of life and how we need death in order to make our experience poignant and lively. Watts declares, “State of ‘is’ is life and state of ‘isn’t’ is death”, and he goes on to explain that, “The most real state is the state of nothing. Calnin introduces the album with an idea of nothingness in order to clear our minds of all thoughts, to provide us with a sense of ease and relaxation, and to prepare us for the calm melodies that follow.

Cut Love is a slow song which begins with an unhurried plinking of a piano, coupled with the operatic voice of Calnin, repeating the word “cut”.  However, as the end of the 7 minute and 45 second track approaches the song picks up its pace and adopts a rather psychedelic sound with the addition of guitar warbles and multiple overlapping voices, which cause a disorienting effect.

Let’s face it, a bit of sexy bass has the ability to elevate any pop song to the next level.  Huge shout out to the bass gods (and to Hayden Calnin) for incorporating the dark, heavy beat that we all know and love in the track Sorry For Us.  Calnin’s voice is raspy and haunting in the dark love song, which provides you with a sense of sadness and loss.  Long story short, if you’re running a ‘post break-up bath’, this track is for you.

“…what makes Small Leaf distinct is the addition of a clapping sound in the background, which gradually enters the song and carries with it a unique rhythm perfect for tapping your fingers, or in this case your soapy toes.”

Calnin’s track Small Leaf is very similar to Bon Iver’s cover of I Can’t Make You Love Me, in that it’s a love song paired solely by a piano.  However, what makes Small Leaf distinct is the addition of a clapping sound in the background, which gradually enters the song and carries with it a unique rhythm perfect for tapping your fingers, or in this case your soapy toes.

Honour carries an unexpected jazzy twist.  The brass instruments and electric guitar bring a new sound to ‘Cut Love Pt.1’ that we haven’t heard up until now. But even with the surprising plot twist the young singer’s operatic voice still shines through and makes us weak in our pruney knees.

There is no question Hayden Calnin is the Aussie bath time company equivalent of Bon Iver, and if you don’t believe me, check out ‘Cut Love Pt. 1’ in the link below for yourselves!

Album Rating: 4